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Help Please with creative idea for a photo?

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Originally Posted by Erika J View Post
Okay I just whipped this puppy up!
Wow Erika!!! That looks great!

My only thought is that it's pretty long - so I would take 2 copies so that people don't get too crowded trying to read it.
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Wow, this is amazing! What a great tradition-- I really like the first photo, it showcases the lighting very well...


Funny story-- my job right out of highschool, I was in a call center. I had to listen to people complain all day, so I would sit and make cranes out of magazine paper. From big to 1/4 of your fingertip small- they took OVER my desk and filled my drawers. I loved doing it and they're so pretty! My boss actually came and told me that they were 'distracting' (people would come over and marvel on how many I had!) and I had to get rid of them sad.gif Great to see that I may get good fortune from it later!!

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What a dic about your boss! Yes I was talking to FI's mom, it is thier tradition and I was thinking how I have already forgotten how much work it was.


Update- I ended up using pic #5 had it blown up at kinkos and cropped out the frame portion so it is all back.

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