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Will no longer be a DW Bride but....


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I will be a DW Bride by heart.


I want to start by giving a HUGE thank you to the SB ladies. You have been nothing but supportive and sweet during this tough time.

Due to finances FI and I will be getting married back home in MN. Thankfully the cruise is already paid for so we at least have our honeymoon. So by staying home and having the wedding here it saves us thousands of dollars. With that being said I still plan to participate in the forum and continue the friendships I have made!

I started a bulk pashima order which I still will be doing since I would like to order them for my BM's, my mom, and FMIL.


To all others thanks for all the advice you have given me. This forum is such a great way to get to know such sweet B2B's and Mrs.


Thanks Tammy and all the mods for what you do!



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Holly, you have such a great attitude! While it's unfortunate you won't be able to have the DW you originally wanted, you will no doubt have a wonderful wedding! What's the saying- 'life is what happens when you're busy making other plans'. Things have a way of working themselves out in the way they're supposed to, even if we can't see it at the time. I hope your local wedding is everything you dream of and that you have a fabulous honeymoon cruise!!

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Awe Holly, scubadiva, I'm sorry to hear it didn't work out as planned :o(,

but like everyone has said - your wedding will be absolutely beautiful no matter where you have it, and the important thing is the union not the location!

Now you will truly have a relaxing AMAZING time on your honeymoon! I'm rather envious, because I know our week is going to be a Gongshow!


We still want to hear about all your planning and I personally thank you for still taking care of the pashmina order considering I want in on it!


Your wedding will be beautiful, now lets have a shot together, lol shots.gif

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