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OH Mary, I PMed you before I read this thread. I feel so sad for you. Personally, I think 1589 is reasonable but you should know I've never flown in May before. I think we all go through the thing where peeple thinks it's too expensive. WHat I did to keep the peace is...


I sent an email to those "problem guests" saying that there was always a chance to get a last minute deal however I didn't recommend it. I also researched on expedia.ca and gave them another price. Expedia is always cheaper since usually there are 2-3 more layovers instead of a direct flight. Also, they dont hold like 20+ spots like a group booking would. Airlines sell seats to expedia at a good price because essentially they are "extras" that airlines don't think they'll be able to get rid off. I also explained the layover vs. direct flights to them. And the last thing I did was offered suggestion of other resorts around the area that were cheaper in price. Actually I had 3 ppl take that suggestion.


It seems like alot of extra work (and it was!) but I was feeling so guilty. In the end though, I'm glad that I did because if my job had taught me anything in life, it's that People just want options and they want to know you care about their concerns. I know this doesn't solve your problem Mary but maybe it'll make you feel better if you do this. Hope it helps

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Originally Posted by Boo View Post
Sigh, so 12 people have already booked thru Romantic Travel, then Sunwig took over the charter flight and is refusing to add anyone to our group at the same rate. We had confirmed another 10 spots at that price - just when you think you can relax! I have 6 friends standing by to book, jeez I told people book right away dont wait, guess there is only so much you can do. Angry letter written to Sunwig first thing today. The requoted price is close to CAD 300 more per person, grrr!
That is completely ridiculous! Isn't that the point of "securing" 10 extra spotshuh.gif When I was dealing with my Signature fiasco back in Jan, I wrote a nasty letter (which wasnt acknowledged btw) AND I called to talk to someone. They wouldn't even talk to me because Romantic Planet was their contact not the bride. It was weird and unsettling. I ended up switching to Air Canada so everyone could get a better price and we could all travel together. I'm out $2700 in the end though, I don't know if it was worth the switch. I really hope you get somewhere with them but if you don't, tell RP to get on it. After all, isn't that why we went with them, so they can fight on our behalves!

Hey Mary, maybe this is the crisis Candace is dealing with!!
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Originally Posted by Boo View Post
Wooo hoo nasty letter to sunwig worked!!! we are back to having 10 additional people confirmed at the group rate, jeez this is just too much!
OMG - thank goodness....persistance pays off hey?
Glad to hear the good news!!!
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Originally Posted by MayanLily View Post
where are my Calgary girls at? Been quiet in here for a while...

Just wanted to give you a heads about the Old Navy sale. There is alot of talk in other forums that Old Navy is having $1/flipflop sale this weekend. I was in ON at market mall this afternoon and she said that this sale is not in Canada. I guess their big flipflop sale was in Feb! Too bad. Just didn't want anyone lining up at 7am on saturday when they dont have to.

Have a great LOOOOOONG weekend! elefant.gif
Hey Aly,

Thanks for the heads up - I was thinking of going, but wasnt sure if it was worth it or not. I think I have enough to pack down there already! lol
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Originally Posted by pamphilia View Post
thanks for the heads up! i was actually disappointed that the sale was going on this weekend because i am out of town. now i feel like i am not missing anything!!

we are going camping in Kananaskis this weekend and i am SO excited!! the first camp of the season!

what are you all up to?
Hey Pam!

Have a great time in K Country! We had booked at Boulton back in March for this weekend, but cxl'd on tuesday bc of the weather. I didnt want to be stuck in the trailer all weekend with three extra guests and two dogs....let me know how it went so I can live vicariously through you!!!

HAve fun!!
And remember, its still cold enough to make peeing outside not worth it....lol
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Originally Posted by Jennybell1 View Post
Hey Pam!

Have a great time in K Country! We had booked at Boulton back in March for this weekend, but cxl'd on tuesday bc of the weather. I didnt want to be stuck in the trailer all weekend with three extra guests and two dogs....let me know how it went so I can live vicariously through you!!!

HAve fun!!
And remember, its still cold enough to make peeing outside not worth it....lol
thanks jenny!

the weather isn't ideal - but we live on the edge. and we are TENTING no less! the last two May Long weekends we have gone camping, it has snowed - so we expect no less this time. we are tough cookies and just drink mass amounts of wine and beer to keep warm :)

let's hope the bears aren't too hungry!!
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Originally Posted by MayanLily View Post
where are my Calgary girls at? Been quiet in here for a while...

Just wanted to give you a heads about the Old Navy sale. There is alot of talk in other forums that Old Navy is having $1/flipflop sale this weekend. I was in ON at market mall this afternoon and she said that this sale is not in Canada. I guess their big flipflop sale was in Feb! Too bad. Just didn't want anyone lining up at 7am on saturday when they dont have to.

Have a great LOOOOOONG weekend! elefant.gif
Thanks for letting us know the sale isn't on here in Canada, I had thought about going too!
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