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Hello Ladies!


Hows everyones planning coming? I am officially leaving for Jamaica in 14 days!!!! Eeeek..and yay :) So I never really worried about anything until now when I realized I have NO IDEA what to do at a wedding ceremony...does someone guide you, like who do you give the rings to for example...Im freaking out a little bit haha...HELP!!!


Nadine, your wedding looked beautiful by the way, I hope you had an amazing time. Atleast you came back to decent weather here so it's not as depressing :)

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Originally Posted by Pastryqueen_Tanya View Post
Hey Calgary...a while ago I was looking for a BD photographer. Well I had my shots done and Sarah was great. I posted a review in the bride referral section and posted a few shots in the phots, std category. If anyone else wants some info just PM me!
Thanks to all of you for your suggestions!
Does this lady work for a company? What were her prices like. Your shots are HOT!!! Your Fi is going to be pumped! When is you flight to leave for ROR. We leave Jan.29th @ 9:25 am with Air Transat...we should get a drink down there since we'll be there the same time!
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Originally Posted by kris View Post
Hello Ladies!

Hows everyones planning coming? I am officially leaving for Jamaica in 14 days!!!! Eeeek..and yay :) So I never really worried about anything until now when I realized I have NO IDEA what to do at a wedding ceremony...does someone guide you, like who do you give the rings to for example...Im freaking out a little bit haha...HELP!!!

Nadine, your wedding looked beautiful by the way, I hope you had an amazing time. Atleast you came back to decent weather here so it's not as depressing :)
Okay so normally if you had a rehearsal they would walk you through everything so you know what to expect, and I would guess that your WC will fill in some of the blanks for you but here's the quick and dirty the way I know it from local weddings....

Guests seated. Groom & guys at the front with judge/minister. Girls prepare behind the scenes.

Music/WC cue for BM's to start down the aisle/path/beach. Bride follows and is given away. (I've heard that most WC's will have a couple staff helping them out so I'd guess one of them will be telling you all when to go).

Judge starts ceremony with intros/welcomes etc. Any readings go in around this time and the judge would ask each person to come up. Typically arranged with the WC ahead of time and they pass it on (so I've been told!)

When it comes time for you to face FI to say your vows, pass your bouquet to the MOH.

Typically unless you have a ring bearer then best man will be the one with the rings. Give them to him in the morning of course! Judge should ask the rings to be presented. (And don't panic if you're like my family and the rings get forgotten in the bedroom haha!!).

I'm sure a sand pouring would go in around here and all the signing of the documents to follow.

Bride and groom back up the aisle followed by wedding party.

Hahaha okay so I'm not quite sure if it was those kind of details you were looking for or not but that's what I thought of from the top of my head. I'm sure the girls who have actually had their ceremony can reply better. I've done a few local weddings pretty recently so some of it is fresh in my mind. If there are certain parts you aren't sure about then I know we can get those details filled in for you too!

And I'm so jealous for you leaving in just a couple short weeks!!!
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Ah Kris!!! So exciting! You are going to have the BEST time I promise. And seriously, do not stress AT ALL. The WC will take care of everything. Anytime I started to worry about something she would just say 'I take care of it, you dont worry'. And so I didnt. Even things like the bouquet and rings (my moh had my fi's ring and the best man had mine).. and i passed my bouquet to my MOH the second i got to the front cuase i wanted to hold j's hands. But those are such little things, its so much more relaxed than in a church. Someone will direct you the entire way-seriously I did a tequila shot with my dad right before we walked down. We did our rehearsal in our bathing suits/cover ups cause we jsut went over to the site from the pool in the middle of the dya, then went back to the pool, so easy.

Are you having a legal ceremoney? We had a symbolic one and wrote our own ceremonY (well we found one online that we liked, another bdw'er used it too) so it was fast, simple, personal and we just inserted our own vows. The whole ceremony was maybe 5-7 min. We didnt do readings, sand ceremony, or anything, we just wanted it simple. I have the script if you want me to email it to you, unless of cours eyour doing a legal ceremony

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Originally Posted by *Nadine* View Post
I did a tequila shot with my dad right before we walked down. We did our rehearsal in our bathing suits/cover ups cause we jsut went over to the site from the pool in the middle of the dya, then went back to the pool, so easy.
Are you having a legal ceremoney? We had a symbolic one and wrote our own ceremonY (well we found one online that we liked, another bdw'er used it too) so it was fast, simple, personal and we just inserted our own vows. The whole ceremony was maybe 5-7 min. We didnt do readings, sand ceremony, or anything, we just wanted it simple. I have the script if you want me to email it to you, unless of cours eyour doing a legal ceremony
Nadine - first off you have SUCH a nice tan and I can't wait for that part :) You look beautiful!

What you described from your wedding sounds exactly like what I want for ours! nothing fancy, straight and to the point. I'm not having my dad walk me down the aisle even but I would LOVE to do a shot with him right before everything starts! That's awesome!

We're doing a symbolic wedding as well but the only single person who knows is my sister who is my MOH. I have to ask, what did you do for the legal ceremony? Was it any big thing or just getting the paperwork done more or less? Also, who did you use and did you like them? We haven't even booked someone yet and I was realizing that I should do that soon!
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Yah we didnt tell anyone who came to the wedding. We grabbed two of our close friends in town here who couldn't make the wedding and made a night of it. I found a lady who does it out of her home and we just went there one thursday at 530pm. She was super sweet and nice. I can PM you her details if you want? Then after its done she sends in the stuff to the registry to have the marriage registered so by the time you get back (i think it takes three weeks) it will be all ready and you can go order a marriage certificate etc. ALso, we asked for no vows or anything, just simple and to the point b/c we didnt want it to overshadow what we would call our 'real wedding' in mexico

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