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Originally Posted by Pastryqueen_Tanya View Post
Hello Calgary Brides!!
I am desperatly seeking some parasols...I have left it too late to order them on line and was wondering if any of you had seen any around town?
Any help would be appreciated!!
My mom was looking for some and said she saw them at marlborough mall.
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Today's been a tough one for me and not to be a Debbie Downer but the girl that was killed on highway 2A by Okotokes was a friend of mine. It's just been a big reminder to me to not stress about all the little wedding details and just appreciate those important people in my life because it can all be over in a second. I'm so excited for a wedding away because I really feel like I'm making the most of it and living life to the fullest with all the people I love!

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OMG!!! I honestly hadn't heard about the accident at all but I am so, so, so sorry that it was a friend of yours! That's just terrible!! I've had friends killed in car accidents so I kind of know what you're going through. Don't at all apologize for having a bad day either, it's totally legit and we're all here if you need to talk or anything.


And you're right that having experiences like that sure make you appreciate what you've got. Go home and give FI an extra big hug and kiss tonight for sure.grouphug.gif

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So Sorry about your loss. Those kinds of things definitely put things in to perspective!


I had one of those "aha" moments when we had some stresses at the beginning of our planning. I was in tears because the date of our wedding changed (really though, who cares after ten years together!). Then a good friend of ours was diagnosed with the worst kind of brain cancer you can have...a month after he got married.


Always always appreciate the ones you love.


Hugs out to you Krama.

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I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. Life happens so quickly we just have to enjoy it while it's here and not sweat the small stuff...like me today HATING my TA she's awful, but really, what does it all matter anyway, not a lot. your post was very inspiring even though it was bad news.

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Im so sorry to hear about your friend. I actually just heard about that on the news the other night. Life flies by in a blink of an eye....one moment your here and the next your gone....so yes make the best of what you have, what we all have bc you never know when your time will be cut short.

Our thoughts are with you and the family sad.gif

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This is so true, we all need to cherish every moment we have and not sweat the small stuff. I am so so so sorry to hear about your friend. My thoughts are with you and we are here if you need to talk.

Just like kerrij said, your post was inspiring even though it was upsetting.



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