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Calgary Brides!


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I know I miss the tickers too, and being able to see where people were getting married right next to their name! Ah well, I do love the new look of the site, and the wikis, reviews, etc.


We meet the last Thursday of every month at 6pm at Melrose on 17th Ave SW. We've only had one meet-up so far, and there were 3 of us. It would be great to have more people, last month was a lot of fun and it was awesome chatting with other girls who are going through the same things I am with planning a DW!


Hope to see a few of you tomorrow! :)

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Hey All,


I know some of you have been wondering about our meeting!!!  We get together the last Thursday of every month to chit chat about our wedding and the progress we have been having.  That month was our first get together and three of us made it out...Sandy and I seem to be the cheerleaders of the event!  We will both be there tomorrow, even if it is just the two of us, I am sure we will have lots to catch up on.  Linds is hopefully going to make it as well, and that is all that has confirmed so far.


Location is Melrose on 17th. 

Time is 6PM

Date is last Thursday of every month


I am not going to make a reso just because I have no idea who will show up, so I will try and get there early and tell the hostest to guide you all to me...just ask for me when you arrive or Sandy.


I hope to see many of your tomorrow!



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Originally Posted by cookiemunchkin View Post


What are the rest of you doing about photography?  Are you using the resort photographer, hiring someone in the area, or taking someone from Calgary?  I cant seem to figure out what to do, ahhh!



there is a gal from Edmonton who is getting married the day after me at the same resort, and she offered to share her photog (who is quite great it seems!)


have look for some reviews of the local/hotel photog for your resort, cookie!  (i miss not being able to see everyone's resorts & dates!)

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Awesome about a monthly GTG!


I am out of town for the long weekend starting tomorrow night - but I'll mark it on my calendar for August :)


re: Photography


My good friend is an amatuer photographer. She did our engagement shots and will be travelling down with us to take our wedding photos. I'm very lucky! I was thrilled with our engagement shots so I'm excited to see what she does for the wedding!

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We are getting married in Cuba and there isn't any local professional Photographers and I didn't want to rely on the resort since these will be our only prof pics, so we have hired one from Toronto.  She is coming for the week with us.  We have to pay for her trip as well as the wedding day plus we are doing TTD sesion.  It's really resonable, I think.  Helps that she is only flying from Toronto so her trip is cheaper than from here.  there are so many options out there, be sure to research it if you are going with one.

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