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So maybe I was in over my head.....(long) Updated


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Big3n09 - I'm glad you were able to talk about it. Good luck with everything! Just remember not to settle for less then you deserve. Figure out what you want in life and make sure you're headed in that direction. Hang in there!

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CLAP CLAP!!!! Yeah ladies, it comes down to asking yourself, "shouldn't i want more for myself?" Me?? I would have been long gone.... I just know that I would not stay in that kind of realtionship.... Just too much drama, issues and lack of commitment. I guess I can not understand thinking of a wedding if your questioning the relationship.

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Originally Posted by ML YoungLove View Post
I am going to be harsh, and I am sorry.

Honestly, I think that you have done all that you can. I hope you make the right decision, because this is your life and future. It would be better to call off the wedding instead of spending loads of money on the wedding and a divorce. Start putting yourself first!
I am really sorry to hear that this is happening to you... its not fair to you at all!

I agree with young love, you need to put yourself first.
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Hey Girl! I'm sooo sorry to hear about this!!! I haven't logged on here for a while so I’m just finding out. I hope you're doing well and staying strong!!! I read everyone's reply and they gave some good advises. You did the right thing so continue to be strong! Best of luck!!!!!!!

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Wow. It seems like you have a lot going on! I cannot really relate because I have never had anything like your experiences happen to me but what I can relate to is your unhappiness! I am so sorry you are dealing with all of this and as bad as things are right now and with the way you are feeling it may be a good idea to postpone or call the wedding off for now. Your wedding day is something you should look back on as the happiest day of your life, and it doesn't sound like there is a lot of happiness between you and your FI. Follow your heart and I'm sure you will make the right decision! Best of luck!



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