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Something Old, New, Borrowed and Blue

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Here were mine:


something new: Dress, veil, shoes, etc.

something borrowed: a small purse from my mom

something blue: the starfish in my bouquet

something old: Jason's mom gave me a ring that was his baby ring - something to do with the church - I bobby pinned it in my hair.

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Originally Posted by starchild View Post
something new: perfume, dress, barefoot sandals
something borrowed: ?
something blue: panties & crystal bracelet
something old: ?

I'm a bad bride...I don't think I had anything borrowed or old. Maybe a bobbie pin here or there..lol
i didn't intentionally do this whole tradition either ... but you DID have the starfish Jamy - that was "borrowed" ... and old, well, it wasn't brand new! lol
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Originally Posted by starchild View Post
Of course Ann the starfish!!! DUH! That was my something borrowed.....except usually when something is borrowed it is returned! smile35.gif
lol - well, not ALWAYS - there are plenty of things i've borrowed people that i haven't got back! and you did give it back, technically, it's Dreams that screwed up!
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something new: Dress, ring, earrings, gosh "new" is so easy I could go on and on on this one..

something borrowed: I borrowed a hanky from my sister

something blue: Bouquet Starfish Jewel

something old: Diamond earrings that Cain got me for our first anniversary..

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Originally Posted by starchild View Post
something new: perfume, dress, barefoot sandals
something borrowed: ?
something blue: panties & crystal bracelet
something old: ?

I'm a bad bride...I don't think I had anything borrowed or old. Maybe a bobbie pin here or there..lol
Then I'm, super bad 'cause I didn't really do this. I made sure I had all this stuff on my first wedding so I figured if I did the opposite and didn't intenionally do it when I married Jay that it would bring me extra luck and ensure we have a happy long lasting marriage. Does that makes any sense?

something new: dress, shoes, veil
something borrowed: ?
something blue: ? ummmm....Jay's beautiful blue eyes?
something old: My Grandma's ivory beaded purse
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