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Secretary of State,,, Take "4"


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OMG,,, I swear I'm going to end up in jail one day from beating someone. SO I sent to the security of state today,, again... since they needed a translation of my marriage certificate. Would you believe that wanted to send me off without giving me my freaking license again? They said since I never change my name back to my maiden name after my divorce that they needed proof that I'm the person on the certificate because Mexico doesn't reconize name changes and they put all the paper work under my maiden name. I went off... I was shaking because I was so mad. I ended up calling Cain and had him bring me my birth certificate, marriage license from my first marriage and my divorce papers in hopes that ONE of those freaking documents would work. Get this the guy couldn't even tell me what paperwork I needed, he just said he would know when he sees is and he was the freaking branch manager.. I was so mad.... And because they were 30 minutes from closing he didn't want me to stay and wouldn't let Cain in the office. After I started to tell him it's no my fault that not the first, second or third time I was there that no one said I had to bring anything else other then the translation paperwork. He finally agreed to let me grab the papers from Cain when he arrived.. AHHHHHHHHHH


So, I finally got my freaking DL changed over. THANK GOD. Oh and as a piece offering he gave me a pass voucher so that the next time I have to go there I don't have to wait in line.

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Originally Posted by TammyB View Post
Yeah, that and we picked up Rosie's ashes today. :-( And I've been online all day trying to find the perfect thing to put her ashes in. OH and I'm making a memory album of her.
i think that's the perfect way to remember Rosie! i am sure you can find something really nice to put her ashes in if that blown glass was too expensive. that way you can say goodnight to her every night!
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Yeah, we may have to wait a few weeks, between Mijo getting attacked at daycare and going to the e-vet, Chulo getting stung by bees and going to the vet, all Rosie's vet expenses and Mijo goes to the vet again later this week for a growth to be removed... I'll be on the side of the road looking for bottles for extra money soon.. LOL...


OH Ann can you believe Marty wanted to keep Rosie's ashes at her house? I asked her why and she said "because I want her" and I told her "you didn't want her when she was here" It made her cry.. but really who says that..

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