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What *TIME* to have ceremony??

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We had our wedding at 6:30 pm in October, just a few days before daylights savings time. It was a good time, as it wasn't so hot. But the sun was in our eyes for the whole ceremony. The pics after were so amazing with the sunset! We did have dinner in the dark but they setp up tiki torches and had lots of candles.


I am pretty sure Royal Decameron is in Bucerias which is one hour behind PV and NV. So eventhough Jan is still daylights savings time, 6 - 6:30 is a good time.



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I just posted but should have read that you don't want a sunset ceremony! Sorry! In late Oct when we were there, it was WAY too hot to have anythiong beofre sunset. I have never been there in Jan, but I am sure it is cooler. I would probably go with 2-4 pm, in that case.

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HI there! Our ceremony in turks and caicos in January is at 4pm on the 23rd. And According to this online chart my WC and photographer showed me the sun is going to set at 5:27pm on that day. We are actually going to take pictures before our ceremony so Im not worried about the sun setting on us. But I think our ceremony is at a good time.It will still be light out and the sun will be starting to set.


According to this website:

2010 January Sunrise and Sunset - Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico in Mexico

the sun is going to set at 5:44pm on your special day!!



Good Luck!

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My wedding isn't until May 2011, but I wanted to be sure to get first choice of when to book my church so I already hired my wedding planner and I was having this struggle too. I wanted photos after the ceremony to be with the setting sun so wasn't quite sure what time to choose. I asked my WP what time she thought the sun would be going down and she replied back with 7:20pm on May 20, 2011. . . Ok! I would've accepted more of an "Oh, around 6:30 or 7" but I guess where you're job is to be THAT on top of things you know the minute the sun will set a year and a half from now : )


My point being, choose what aspect of your day/night is most important and plan around that. I was more interested in getting good photos, and felt my guests could eat a snack before the wedding and wait a little bit before dinner (wedding 4:30-5:30, photos 5:30-7/7:3, dinner afterward) You may want to schedule your wedding around your ideal reception/dinner time.


Hope you found something useful in my rambling!!

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I let my photog suggest the ceremony time since he was local, that way we had the best light for photos before during and after.


We had our reception in the dark with strung lanterns and tons of candles it was super romantic and never felt too dark. The resort knows what they are doing to make sure there is enough lighting.


There are mulitple ways you can google you location and get the sunset time.

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