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My mom wants to be the photog...

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I agree with all those suggestions. She doesn't want to have to remember your wedding from behind a lense. Then just hire someone and let her know the pictures are all taken care of. I think she just wants to be helpful and feel needed. Can she help with something else?

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I can relate to this because before my wedding my dad wanted to be our videographer for the day, he even bought an expensive camera etc... I just blurted out to him "no way!" and told him he had to be my dad at the wedding. He was to walk me down the aisle, give a speech and be there for me during the day, but in no way to be "working". So that was the end of that. I don't think you need to sugar-coat it at all. Just tell her that she's supposed to enjoy the wedding and being a photog is very involved and would mean that she wouldn't really be able to participate in alot of the wedding activities, so you don't want that.

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My fiance actually wanted to be the photographer! Don't ask me how he thought he was pulling that off, but I told him there is no way. Your mom is such an important part of your wedding and she will realize (just like my fiance) that they need to be a part of everything that happens and not hidden behind a camera.

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Originally Posted by IrishgirlinNY View Post
My fiance actually wanted to be the photographer! Don't ask me how he thought he was pulling that off, but I told him there is no way. Your mom is such an important part of your wedding and she will realize (just like my fiance) that they need to be a part of everything that happens and not hidden behind a camera.
I'm imagining many self portraits, lol!! but it would probably be an awesome shot of you walking down the aisle. wink.gif

It sounds like you ladies have this covered. Best of luck breaking the news, and I'm sure after some though you're mom will agree to just be MOB that day. :)
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OMG I wish we could have caught your reaction on film! I just got the best advice from a co-worker she told me this is all part of the experience of getting married, trying to talk mom out of outlandish things!!!! Yeah moms are great my is throwing my family bridal shower and wants to invite my 4th grade teacher?? Well you just got to take deep breaths and take every ones wonderful advice from the boards!

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