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When to mail invitations? Before or after Holidays?

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After reading some of the responses, I feel like I might be sending mine out too soon?? Mine will be ready within the next few weeks and I was planning on sending them out before Thanksgiving and having an RSVP date of Jan 31. That gives me 3 months before we leave to plan for things like OOT bags, programs, reception decorations, etc. I have so many things that I don't really want to buy things for until I get a better head count of who will actually be there. And I figured if I send them out before Thanksgiving, they'll receive the invite early enough that it shouldn't get lost with all the x-mas cards, but it's still early enough for people to plan and book their trip. Keep in mind I have a bunch of procrastinators in my family and even tho STD's were sent out in June, NO ONE has booked yet.

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Originally Posted by future_mrs2010 View Post
Lets see that is tricky. They say 6-8 weeks is etiquette. Did you send STD's so your guests know about your upcoming DW?

Our wedding is 1.23.2010 and we sent them out the 2nd week of october. We had our RSVP date as November 15th. Which still leaves 2 months really. We sent them a little early.. and I forget why. I would say send yours out the 2nd or 3rd week of January and that way the holidays are all over with. And people are focused on your invite. And then put an RSVP date for end of February ish/beginnning of March.
I sent out my wedding website email STD last month and everyone's super excited but no one has booked yet. Our families are big procrastinators which is why part of me wants to put a little pressure and I think the physical invitation will make it more real to them. Maybe it will motivate them to actually book already :)

It is really a tricky one... I agree with you that I want people to only focus on my invite and not all the christmas cards, etc..:)

It's always the little decisions like this that trip me up lol:)
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I am in the same boat! We are getting married on 4.17.2010 - I sent out Save the Dates with our TA information and additional information on our website. I also sent out a "friendly reminder" letter with an update on our travel to all of our guests encouraging them to contact the TA. Given these things, I plan to send our invitations just after the new year so they don't get lost in the shuffle of the holiday season. I plan to have an RSVP date mid-February so I can get a head count for seating charts ect.


Hope this helps! Good luck!

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We're getting married in February and sent out STDs in June. Most people who would actually come knew about it long before then though. I'm going to send out invites at the end of November with the rsvp info just so I have a count. I want it to get there early enough that maybe people could find last minute deals but also before the holiday rush really hits full swing and they forget to rsvp or are totally broke from Christmas. Haha. If you haven't sent out STDs previously i'd send out invites ASAP.

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I think people always procrastinate with responding. We sent out save the dates in feb/march and we only had 2 families book and my parents. They did this because they knew being past guests of sandals/beaches. Rooms would sell out and the prices would go up. I tried and tried and TRIED to tell people to book. Even if they decided they couldnt go they would get their entire deposit which was only $400, back. And that way they would lock in the good rate and get the rooms they wanted. Now people are like the rooms are seling out and they are too pricey.. and I feel like saying I told you so! I told you to book it 7 months ago when the price was right... BUT nO. they couldnt listen. So I feel like no matter when you send STD's or invites people will still be people.

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I am getting married in May and my invites go out next week. Just to give people ample time to save and decide if they are coming or not. The RSVP deadline is April 1st. I wouldn't send it out between Thanksgiving in Christmas just because it could have the chance of getting mixed in with all the Christmas cards which could cause people to lose it or not respond bc they think it is another holiday card.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had a hard time deciding what to do as well but this is what I decided:

April 9, 2010 Wedding date


Invitations will go out first week in January

RSVP online by Jan 31


I was going to say RSVP by Feb 1 but Feb 1 sounds much later than Jan 31. I wanted to not give people time to procrastinate... receive the invitation and reply (more or less) right away, since most people know whether or not they're coming.

I believe the RIU resort contacts you ~2 months before the wedding so I needed a head count by Feb 9... and a week for me to hunt down responses from non-responders.

I also need that 2 months to prepare welcome bags, welcome brochures, etc...


I'm def. not sending them out before the holidays because they would get lost in the holiday card frenzy, as well as loose their "special-ness" since people get so accustomed to receiving mail this time of year.

Additionally, I didn't want to send them TOO soon.... i feared noone would respond bc they hadn't decided if they're coming or not yet, sounded like sure frustration waiting to happen!


Just my $0.02!

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did you send STDs? I think that makes a difference b/c people know before the invites are sent out. I don't think the holidays matter in the sense of budget b/c it's already late Nov and people have budgeted for holiday expenses (and if you did send STDs, then they have budgeted for you wedding by now as well). I would be really, really worried that they would get lost in the holiday card shuffle; so I'd send them the first week of Jan and get an RSVP no later than Feb 5th or so. Good luck!!

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We sent out STD in January but have only had my parents, FIs parents & my best friends & her husband book. A lot of people keep saying, we will "probably" go. At this point my plan is to send out the invitations the 2nd week in January (after the holiday) with an RSVP of Feb 19th. This will give me all of March & April to finish planning & getting the wedding planning @ the resort all set up. I don't know that the gift bags/etc. will take me too long with FIs & my mom's help.



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