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AHR- one week after wedding??!!


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i am having my AHR just 2 days after we get back we all get back on the wednesday morning and the AHR is on the Friday evening


the reason for this is after having 3 weeks off work(going back on the monday) i would not be able to take anymore time off

so i decided to have it the weekend of our return

i always wanted a big evening reception but was not able to do a big wedding in the UK due to cost

so we opted for a large party with everyone when we return

i know some people probably think i am crazy but i think as long as i have had everything confirmed before we leave for jamaica then it should be fine

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We return home on Friday, November 20th and our reception is planned for Saturday November 28th. I'm already regretting having it so close. I've been so excited for the DW, I've put very little thought into the AHR, and now am panicking about having to get everything arranged the week before! Give it a bit more time, and save yourself the stress!!

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Wow I'm so glad my FMIL knows her place when it comes to my wedding. I couldn't handle it if she was trying to take over. I personally think it's too soon as well. I like to unwind after vacations and have some downtime. Because we are getting married in November it's really close to Christmas so we want to wait until January and luckily noone has any issues with this. I also thought that yours might be soon to have your pictures and I'm sure everyone would love to see them if they weren't there. That's another reason why I'm glad we have some time in between the wedding and AHR. Good luck!

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Originally Posted by jodi_22n View Post
i am having my AHR just 2 days after we get back we all get back on the wednesday morning and the AHR is on the Friday evening

the reason for this is after having 3 weeks off work(going back on the monday) i would not be able to take anymore time off
so i decided to have it the weekend of our return
i always wanted a big evening reception but was not able to do a big wedding in the UK due to cost
so we opted for a large party with everyone when we return
i know some people probably think i am crazy but i think as long as i have had everything confirmed before we leave for jamaica then it should be fine
I know I said that I think having it immediately after the DW was way too soon, but that's just MY personal preference. I know I'd be be much too stressed. But I think that if the bride and groom are comfortable with having it that soon after returning from the DW then it's completely ok. I guess my point is that the OP was NOT comfortable with having it that soon and was being pressured. That was more my concern. But if you can pull it off and that's what works for you then more power to you :)
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  • 4 weeks later...

No rest and relaxation here! LOL! I'm having my AHR TWO DAYS after I return from Jamaica. #1, we didn't want to space it out. We want to get EVERYTHING done and over with quickly. #2, we thought it would kind of take some of the excitement away to have it later. With that, as someone else as said, we are trying our best to be highly organized so we don't have to worry about too much upon our return from Jamaica.

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i know i totally understand that you are not wanting to be pushed into it so if i were in your position i would just tell everyone straight that you do not want to do it this way xx


i have nearly finished all preperations for the AHR and i am still 5 months or so away

the only thing may be the photos however a friend of ours has a projector and we can get the pics onto disk or dvd to plug into it so we can have the pics running on slideshow during the evening x




when and where abouts are you getting married?

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Just wanted to post an update.


FMIL came over to talk about her ideas for the AHR. FI and I had already decided that we didn;t want one since it was getting out of hand. It started out as a backyard BBQ to a reception hall. We told her this and she was still insistant. We both expressed that this is not what we want to do and it was getting bigger than we wanted. It took , we had to explain all of our reasons over and over until she finally said okay and that was that. I felt a little bad but quicky got over it because she needs to respect our wishes. I haven't spoken to her since and I wonder if she'll bring it up this weekend...

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Well at least you got the conversation out of the way! Hopefully she respects you and FI's wishes. It does seem like it was getting to be a lot more than you wanted with the reception hall. My FI and I are having two AHR's, since we dont live in the same area, which i'm not excited about. But since we're having 2 we're just doing a low key luau reception a month and a half later for both that way its not too stressful. I think that would have been way too stressful after just getting back from your beautiful DW wedding! Good luck with everything!

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