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let's start a MIL from hell thread


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Our stories are only going to get worse I think..


One of my friends and her husband live here in Florida and the in-laws are from Canada... and they are on no-speaking terms!! There are so many issues for them, and they havent even been married that long! The MIL is a total b*tch apparently, ad very overbearing!!

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Wow I see I'm not alone. My FMIL is the devil. I know that sounds evil but its true. Okay maybe not that extreme but she has been so evil to me. In her defense the last year or so she has been ALOT better but still compares to the stories on here.


Okay here goes. My fiance and I have two kids together. Sure we could/should have got married first but it was not a priority to us. My FMIL whet balistic with my daughter. Started freaking out comparing it to his brothers death ( he passed away when my fiance was two) and said the most hurtful things ever. "I will never by it diapers" I will never by it clothes and so on. The evil comments came my whole pregnancy. We never asked her for a dime.

We started out in such a small place. We were so proud of the room we decorated for her. We picked out this nice pink and it was so pretty. He was so proud to make it nice. He was so excited to show her. She walks in and was like " I hate the colour its tacky. I hope its a boy cuz you would have wasted your time." He was crushed

I had a long labour and the whole time in the delivery room she would make comments like " well I have 50 000 saved but he doesn't need a wedding now so I will spend it all on me" Her fav saying is "its all about me" believe me it is. She made the happiest day of my life horrible. She sat there made hurtful comments to my family ( even FI dad side hates her) I had a c section. She actually pushed my mother out of the way and stormed in the recovery room where she was not allowed and grabbed my baby. You know "it" who she would never do anything for. A week later she shows up to my house and says Its time for my one on one time with her. I being way to nice and trying to get along said ok you can take her for a walk but its very hot out so only for 20 minutes. Four hours later she showed up with my newborn screaming and hot. I was freaking crying and having a nervous break down ( she turned the cell off) My daughter was breastfed and starving. After that day she was no longer to have her alone. I don't think I'm mean for that. Still to this day I'm so angry I did not call the police on her.

It just got better. Two weeks after having her she took his ex out for dinner. ( She still had framed pics of her too) I later found out she talked bad about me the whole time since we have mutual friends. ( his ex was a total insane/drug addict) A few months later my daughters first xmas was coming up. We were so excited because he was getting a savings bond from when he was little. He needed her to sign the back. She actually stole it. Not lying took the money ( close to 2000) and would not give it to him. We didn't have any money. We wanted it to be so special. She claimed he owed her money from 5 years ago but would not explain for what. We later heard she thought he was going to buy me a ring which wasn't even the case. I lost it. I never say anything, hate conflict and lost it. His father called and told him he needs to put me in my place. LOL can you imagine. We did not talk to them for awhile. All of a sudden she comes back in the picture. He is the only son and she lost one which I could never imagine so I always forgive. My daughters first bday comes up. We planned this nice outdoor park for it. She said we could use her place because its alot bigger in case it rains. THE NIGHT BEFORE she calls and says I'm not allowed to do it there because I have not been grateful to her for a shower she threw for me. This "shower" was her friends and family invite only. I was not allowed to invite anyone from my shower my mom threw. Which was my family and close friends because she didn't want any repeats. It was her party that started at 7pm. Even my fiance didn't know half the ppl. She got mad because we had a newborn and could not stay till 2am! Not to mention her friends which were strangers were passing my crying baby around and would dodge me and run away when I would try to get her. Anyways I was not grateful enough so thank god my dad got a hall in time and it turned out perfect. She shows up to the party with these stupid party glasses on and had the nerve to try and take over and thank my guests for coming! Afterwars packs up all the food we had catered to send home with her and her family. We aren't by any means well off.


I also have to throw in the comments she makes to both of us are disgusting. She alwasy makes comments about how my daughter is so cute and she has no idea where she gets if from despite her looking the exact same as me. Implies that I'm fat and just hurtful horrible comments.


Anyways we were trying for another and we got him. I was nervous to tell them and you can probably figure out why. Shocking she has been ok this time. I think she started to realize that I was avoiding her at all time and that I hated her. She has since been alot better. I finally let her watch my daughter again when she was two. She is really good with the kids now and to us in some cases. I know she talks about me all the time but at least she is not horrible to be around. Since she is so good with my daughter I won't keep her from her because of how she treated me. Its not fair to her. Its just tough at times to have her around all the time lol


We planned our DW wedding. We did not expect help but since he is the only son I was a bit surprised that they won't. She has come out and said if we want one we will pay and she won't help. I can't blame her for that its fair. What is comical is since we all booked she has bought 3 40" inch tvs for each room, put in a new fireplace, new carpet, new hardwood floor, painted two rooms and new appliances. Not to mention she shops everyday, goes out for dinner 4 times a week, and has a expensive car/golf. She calls us and brags about everything, tells us the costs and expects us to ohhh and ahhh.... yet won't help her only son for his wedding at all? I guess she is getting her $50 000 worth lol


Sorry this is the longest rant ever. Its nice to get it all out. I have probably left out alot more shocking stories but I'm typing so fast.


I know its out of pure jealousy. Its obvious you can see it in her face. Its sick. I'm just happy she is getting better though. I hope in the years to come it will be alot better and I can sorta chuckle at her behaviour but I'm sure that will take at least 20 years! haha


Thanks girls you are great therapy : )

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Originally Posted by Holly22 View Post
Wow I see I'm not alone. My FMIL is the devil. I know that sounds evil but its true. Okay maybe not that extreme but she has been so evil to me. In her defense the last year or so she has been ALOT better but still compares to the stories on here.

We planned our DW wedding. We did not expect help but since he is the only son I was a bit surprised that they won't. She has come out and said if we want one we will pay and she won't help. I can't blame her for that its fair. What is comical is since we all booked she has bought 3 40" inch tvs for each room, put in a new fireplace, new carpet, new hardwood floor, painted two rooms and new appliances. Not to mention she shops everyday, goes out for dinner 4 times a week, and has a expensive car/golf. She calls us and brags about everything, tells us the costs and expects us to ohhh and ahhh.... yet won't help her only son for his wedding at all? I guess she is getting her $50 000 worth lol

Sorry this is the longest rant ever. Its nice to get it all out. I have probably left out alot more shocking stories but I'm typing so fast.

I know its out of pure jealousy. Its obvious you can see it in her face. Its sick. I'm just happy she is getting better though. I hope in the years to come it will be alot better and I can sorta chuckle at her behaviour but I'm sure that will take at least 20 years! haha

Thanks girls you are great therapy : )
This is so horrible I can't believe she put you through all of that. Be prepared she will probably show up at the DW at the last minute and try to take over the wedding and thank every one for coming.

I know she's great with the grand kids I just hope she doesn't bad mouth you to them when they get older.

I don't know how you manged to say sane, you definitely deserve a wonderful wedding congrats!
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Wow I see I'm not alone. My FMIL is the devil. I know that sounds evil but its true. Okay maybe not that extreme but she has been so evil to me. In her defense the last year or so she has been ALOT better but still compares to the stories on here.


Ahh you poor thing. She does sound horrible, but it sounds like there is hope. Maybe the grandkids are softening her up? Hopefully your FI can fend her off when it gets really bad, so you don't look like the bad one. I don't know what is wrong with some of these mothers!


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Oh God help me, sheâ€s at it again. I really need someone to just lend me an unbiased ear for a minute, and for the love of god talk me down before I REALLY blow up. Earlier today FI and I went over to his momâ€s new condo. She said she needed him to move a piece of furniture for her. That “piece of furniture†turned into rearranging her bedroom, setting up her internet, rewiring her cable, and installing a bathroom light fixture. Whatever. Thatâ€s not the problem.

After we left there, FI realized her forgot to mention that we found a cheaper restaurant to accommodate our wedding rehearsal of 32 (she was throwing a fit about paying for the rehearsal dinner at the old restaurant) for about $400….great price I thought.

Well, he calls her, and she FLIES OFF THE HANDLE, and starts bitching about my parents (Iâ€m really sorry for the colorful word choice that is probably going to be littered throughout this post, I apologize mods.) Sheâ€s calling my mom every word in the book, talking about how “that white trash whore needs to do her part,†and “THOSE PEOPLE arenâ€t contributing a god damn dime, so why should I?!â€

Let me just start off by explaining to you that my parents just reconciled after a LONG separation, during which my father was laid off, and my parents just lost the home that they had lived in for 15+ years. So they donâ€t exactly have a lot of money to be throwing around right now.

Andrew at this point gets upset and starts yelling back at her, and then she starts crying, complaining that she is still paying off his sisterâ€s wedding (his big sister was the golden child and had a $75,000 wedding). I told him that it was fine, he just needed to get off the phone and quit having a screaming match with his mom.

Iâ€m just SO MAD! She complains that my parents arenâ€t helping, yet my mom dipped into her retirement fund to pay for our flowers and cake, and my parents are paying off the $4,000 balance on the reception? Hmm….what a way for them to not contribute. And the mud slinging directed at my mother makes me want to puke. I think sheâ€s met her maybe twice, both times my mom was nothing but cordial to her.

So I went out to my mom and dads and spoke to them about everything thatâ€s been going on. They said that they would be happy to cover the rehearsal dinner, and any other unexpected costs that come up for the wedding. I feel horrible about them doing so much for us when they have so little to give at this point, and Iâ€m ashamed that I even had to approach them about it.

I got home and FI told me he had talked to his mother and that she had apologized and decided she wanted to pay for the rehearsal dinner. She was “really sorry about her behavior,†according to FI, but I know the only reason she wants to pay for it now is because my parents offered to do so. I told him not to worry, that I didnâ€t want a dime of her money, and now Iâ€m the bad guy because I told him Iâ€m done dealing with her?!? WTF??

Iâ€m beginning to have serious questions about what Iâ€m marrying into. Itâ€s nice that FI didnâ€t defend her behavior, but he isnâ€t even TRYING to see where Iâ€m coming from. He said that family is the most important thing to him, and that he wants his mother and I to have a good relationship like the one he has with my mom, but holy hell how am I supposed to do that? Iâ€m constantly having to defend myself, and today she hit below the belt and attacked MY family. Ugh…I think Iâ€m going to sit down, finish my thesis paper, and have a nice stiff drink. Sorry to have such a bitchfest at you guys, but itâ€s good to have somewhere to go where youâ€re not the only one with a mother –in-law whoâ€s demonic personality rivals that of Linda Blair in the Excorcist.

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