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Bikram Yoga Anyone????


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I used to go regularly when I lived in SF, but not so much anymore in S. Cal, which is ironic b/c Bikram's first studio is here.


However, I have been to a few of his classes and he's mean -- he yelled at me (this is how he teaches BTW -- breaks you down to build you up kind of thing), and I get it, but I do not like being yelled at even if I am wrong. It's amazing you are in this room with over a hundred people and he will single someone out and berate them. He's got good eyes, that's for sure, and once he's on you, he will be like that the entire class. So I don't go to that studio anymore (plus it's more expensive than the others). I'm e-scared of him!


I do like it though -- I always feel cleansed after I do it with the sweating and drinking lots of water. I'm doing more "power" yoga these days (e.g. Bryan Kest) b/c I like being able to work out from home. Not the same, I know, but that's where I am right now! =)

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Love Bikram's! although after the first class I was like... "never again", but since I paid for the one week trial already...


It will be part of my get toned & fit before the wedding routine... I've been bad and not gone for a while but hoping to get back on the bandwagon

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