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New Cuba Protocols: H1N1


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Hi ladies,


I don't know if any of you are aware of this yet, but Cuba is implementing additional security measures at the airports with regards to the H1N1 (swine flu) virus. I think they may have done this last year as well.


This is what the government of Canada travel site says about it :


The Government of Cuba has implemented enhanced screening measures at all ports of entry in response to the H1N1 Flu Virus outbreak. Travellers entering or exiting the country, or reporting for domestic flights, may be subjected to medical examinations and, in some cases, quarantined for up to 7 days for medical observation if they are believed to have symptoms of the virus or have come in contact with a suspected carrier of the virus.



So warn your guests not to get sick for at least a month before they go!! :)

Non Cuba-brides: You may want to check if your destination is doing something similar.


It would REALLY suck to spend your entire vacation, not to mention your WEDDING DAY stuck in quarantine!

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I hope they don't do temperature checks in Cuba, because I run slightly above normal and my brother does too. Just a weird metabolic quirk, but I wonder if they'd think we were sick- every time I've been to a doctor who isn't familiar with me (like an emergency room doc) they always think I have a "slight fever" until I let them know the difference.

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I went to Cuba late August. I had a form to fill out on the plane about my health and if I had been in contact with anyone with flu like symptoms etc., also I did walk by a camera looking thingy that did take my temperture, also we were greeted with health officials along with secruity etc all wearing masks. We stopped in Varadero to let off those passengers we also got off the plane, went thru a quick customs check then back on the plane about 45 mins later and finally landed in Manzanillo, a very very small airport in Cuba, they had the temperture reading machine there as well and of course greeted with masked officials, I did notice that the plane that came from Italy were not greeted by officials wearing masks.

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Originally Posted by VaraderoBride View Post
I wonder if there will be more leniency if you have proof of immunization?
Oooh- this is a good point! I'm planning on getting a shot this week, so maybe I'll get some proof to take with me just in case? Can't hurt, anyway. I'm still worried about the temp reader- they are for sure going to think I have a fever shots.gif
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I was just in Cuba in Sept. They do have the temperature machines on your way in. I actually must have been running a bit high cuz I got stopped and got told to go through again. After that I was fine and no more delays, but it was a bit nerve racking... Needless to say I'll be pounding the vitamins b4 we go away this time... I don't want to get sick!!

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