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Have people questioned your reason for doing a DW?

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Thanks for this thread, it's a relief to know that it's not just me, but really it's not too bad for me.


Some people have asked me why I'm having it so far away and I have a legitimate reason: some members of my family cannot come to the States so I HAVE to have it in Mexico, not that I'm not having a blast picking out places.


But I think that the same people who have immediately counted themselves out also would have complained if it was an hour away, so frankly, it's less grumpy people I have to feed a very expensive dinner to:)

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So glad I'm not alone in this boat. The FI is less flexible than I am in his willingness to take on any debt (even modest debt) for a local wedding. So we are having a destination wedding because I refuse to go to just have a civil ceremony with a judge. So HE's the one that's tipped the scale for a destination wedding and its HIS family that is hemming and hawing about going abroad - and not offering any cash to have it here. At the end of the day none of my relatives live in our state and my family is at least 3 times the size of his. So if we had a local wedding it was going to be a destination for most of our guests anyway - to a not so fun destination. So Mexico here we come! Thanks for letting me vent ladies and for the support.


Let's go!

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I got so tired of my FMIL telling me that everyone was complaining and wondering why we were going away. And then she started complaining about the arrangements. They would never go anywhere on vacation so here's their opportunity. Even if we weren't getting married in Mexico, most of my FI's family would have to travel at least an hour to our wedding and probably wouldn't go because it would be too formal. Anyways, I snapped at her, told her I didn't care who showed up, that was when and where we were getting married. She was super pi$$ed that I yelled at her, but I was tired of the complaints. It's even worse that we will probably have to pay for FMIL and FFIL to attend. If they can't even contribute, it should definitely be our decision for the wedding locale.

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I cant tell you how happy I was to see this post.  It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who has to hear, why did you pick that place, Why cant you just do it around here.  Maybe you should pick a place that's not so expensive.  OMG people shut up!  If you don't want to come to my wedding then don',t I really don't care if your there or not there.  Ok well maybe I do and my feelings have been hurt a few times. Then I remind myself or my Fi reminds me how much fun we are going to have in Costa Rica.  It really makes you appreciate the ones who have said, Name the place and the time and we will be there.  No questions asked.  As for everyone else they can look at our beautiful pictures and I can BRAG about how great it was.  AHHHH  I feel so much better now.  I may have to keep a count of how many times I come on here between now and June 2011.  LOL

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I'm so relief that I'm not alone on this one. My DW will be in September 2011 in Punta Cana and ever since we put it out in the open there are some people that ask the same question over and over.  Sometimes I feel like I'm presenting a business proposal and sometimes I feel angry because there are a few closed people that are taking my excitement away with their questioning.  Sometimes I want it to really drop it and just forget about it but then I stop and tell myself I'm doing this for me, for him, for the both of us, not to please anybody else so if they want to stay behind and not come with us is fine by me who needs party poopers anyway. 


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