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Have people questioned your reason for doing a DW?

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Whatever you do, do it for you. It's your day. People no matter who they are (family, friends, or foe) will always have something to say. Those that matter and can, will be there. If you had a wedding at home and these people came they may probably just spend a good $100 per plate talking bad about you, your dress, and your details.

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Originally Posted by affiwin View Post
If you had a wedding at home and these people came they may probably just spend a good $100 per plate talking bad about you, your dress, and your details.
That is the very reason I cancelled my local wedding; I didn't want to have to stress planning the wedding, just so they can come to the wedding and make snarky remarks about something I toiled to do FOR THEM. If I am going to have to go through the stress of planning an event, I am going to make sure I enjoy it and it is my hope to weed useless people like the ones above out of my wedding day.
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Originally Posted by SSNM View Post
That is the very reason I cancelled my local wedding; I didn't want to have to stress planning the wedding, just so they can come to the wedding and make snarky remarks about something I toiled to do FOR THEM. If I am going to have to go through the stress of planning an event, I am going to make sure I enjoy it and it is my hope to weed useless people like the ones above out of my wedding day.
lol...good points... If I canceled my local one I'd be burned at the stake by my fiance's family. My family wouldn't care at all though! Our wedding is definitely 'ON" for Mexico...and I can't wait!
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Originally Posted by amyrot View Post
lol...good points... If I canceled my local one I'd be burned at the stake by my fiance's family. My family wouldn't care at all though! Our wedding is definitely 'ON" for Mexico...and I can't wait!
Funny how we spend so much time worrying about other people when this is the one time in our lives we should do exactly what we want to do. I think people - family, friends, and anyone else who tries to have a say, totally forget this. Now is your family or FI's family are footing the bill it would be different. But, if you are footing the bill then do what you want and have fun doing it. But really why do weddings bring out the GRRRRR!!!! in all kinds of people? LOL!
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Originally Posted by affiwin View Post
Funny how we spend so much time worrying about other people when this is the one time in our lives we should do exactly what we want to do. I think people - family, friends, and anyone else who tries to have a say, totally forget this. Now is your family or FI's family are footing the bill it would be different. But, if you are footing the bill then do what you want and have fun doing it. But really why do weddings bring out the GRRRRR!!!! in all kinds of people? LOL!
yeah i agree with you- we are bending for people..... if anyone else wants something crazy its not happening since they're not paying!
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  • 3 weeks later...

I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE THIS WAS HAPPENING TO!!! LOL!! What I hate is when I mention that it's a destination wedding, folx always say, "oh, you must not want me there..." What's crazy is, it's typically people I didn't plan to invite in the first place you say it!!!! LOL!


When we first announced that it would be a destination wedding, the first thing certain family members started to do was name all the reasons particular people wouldn't be able to make it (ie. schedules, financial reasons, health reasons, etc.). I've just put all that to the side and have decided that my FI and I are going to do it our way no matter what anyone thinks about it.

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Noone has said anything to me specifically, well I guess my parents kind of questioned it at first, but now they are on board. A lot of my family will not be going to the acutal wedding, but will be attending the AHR. It's your wedding, though! You will have to remember it for the rest of your life. I know when I thought about it and thought well maybe I will have it in the states like everyone wants I knew If I did it that way I would be disappointed and regret not doing the DW thing. Good luck and do what makes you happy!

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Originally Posted by tiffandmarv View Post
I'm very BLESSED! My family and friends ALL LOVE THE IDEA of a DW!! I think some have packed their bags already.
Me too! The only person who's said something is my aunt, but she's always questioned every single thing I do my entire life so it's not surprising. First she thought we were moving in together too soon, then getting engaged too soon, and then she questioned our choice of getting married in the psring instead of fall, as prices are even cheaper in the fall (hello, hurricane season, of course the prices are cheaper! Plus, FI's brother is getting married next fall, don't want to steal his thunder). Next she'll probably question our choice of country... Not surprising that I had my mom announce to her i was getting married, so I wouldn't have to deal with her remarks directly.

Everybody else has been great. My other aunt's reaction was YES!!!!!!!!!! her only concern was that we didn't choose the one month that she can't take a vacation (we haven't). And then there is FI's mom, who went on and told EVERYONE about our engagement before we even made it official "so that they have enough time to save and prepare for our DW". It took the fun out of telling the news to everyone ourselves, but we know she meant well. She's so excited, it's cute.

My wedding is still very far away though (a year and a half), so we'll see if we get any negative comments when it gets time to book...
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