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Engaged at the top of the Empire State Building!

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My fiance and I have been together for years and I honestly never thought he would propose!! Last year, we took a trip to NYC for New Years with a group of friends and one night he convinced us all to go to the Empire State Building. After waiting for over an hour just to get to the last line before the top, it was announced that since there were so many people waiting, it would be about another hour wait just to go up. At this point, we were running out of time as we had a bus to catch to go back to our hotel so we had to decide to stay or go. Just as we were deciding this, they made another announcement - if anyone wanted to take the stairs (something like 6 flights?) they they could! People just started jumping the line and running for the stairwell! Quickly, we jumped the line and ran too!


Once on the top, we all separated to take in the amazing view of the city. My fiance and I cozied up (it was the end of December and cold!) to admire the view and next thing I knew there was a ring before my eyes! I was so shocked that I had to ask him if it was for real and if he was serious! haha Once the initial shock wore off, I of course said YES!!!


For me, it was the most romantic and most perfect proposal! I couldn't be happier and can't wait until we're Mr & Mrs!!

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