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How Do I Find a Photographer??


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I booked a photographer whp travels to Cuba regularly to shoot weddings. She has beatiful work. Emaiol me and I can give you her details. She does not charge you for her trip is she is already going to be there to shoot other weddings.

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There are some very good and experienced destination wedding photographers in Ontario. They start at around 4K,but their work is breathtaking. With so much savings a destination weddings brings, it's a sin not to document it by a good photographer.

A month ago there was a post on a Canadian forum about a bride who hired a resort photographer in Cuba. Pictures were blurry,dull and out of focus. She hated ALL the images and was looking to hire a local photographer to redo it...

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Originally Posted by Barrierunner View Post
You can also use family members or friends. We have a really good camera and so does some of our friends. We will have them take some pictures if we decide to not bring our own photographer.
I'm just going to put a word of caution out there and suggest that THIS IS NOT A GOOD IDEA. Do you really want to put your friends and family memebers to work on your wedding day? What if they miss that one shot you were dying to have? Say some of the pictures come out terrible due to flash settings being off or some other reason, are you going to be mad at someone you asked to do you a favor? Who is goig to edit the images after the wedding?
And what about having any kind of photography training? I couldn't imagine trusting my wedding images to a untrained eye with a point and shoot camera.

I understand trying to stay in a budget but surely there are decent prices professionals out there, or maybe a friend who is a photographer? Sorry, I don't mean to bash this idea...I'm just personally against it.
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You are definitely entitled to your own opinion and I accept that but our camera and a few of our friends and family member's camera's are far from being point and shoot camera's and of course I wouldn't recommend someone to take pics of a wedding with a crappy camera. Our own camera is a pretty pricey one and it takes amazing pictures, some of our holiday pics look professional. At my best friends wedding she had a professional photographer and a few friends taking pics. Some of her best pictures were from her friends and no one can tell the difference. At the end of the day, I personally don't need hundreds of pictures that are going to sit on a disc or in a photo album that is opened a few times of the year. I will be happy to get a few amazing shots of me and my husband to be and shots with family and the bridal party. We are more laid back and we want candid shots with our friends and family. If I can find a decent photographer that isn't too pricey I will definitely consider that option.

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I wouldn't be worry about bringing your photographer to the resort - as soon he is not Cuban. Law in Cuba allow to charge only 200 CUC for a wedding service and there is no way that Cuban photographer will be able to survive , buy equipment (which is very expensive - we travel with $20 000 in our bags. This of course sucks and I hope that this will change one day. Only thing we can do - as photographers - promote weddings in Cuba, bring staff for people when we are down there and educate local photographers. Every time we bring laptops, used cameras, DVDs and leave there.


As soon your photographer is Canadian, European (etc) he is a tourist in Cuba. You don't hire photographer in Cuba, he doesn't operate a business there. He is there as your Canadian guest. Yes, you have to pay a day pass to the resort and they will treat your photographer like your guest. What's goes on in Canada that's not their problem.

You don't pay in Cuba for any services. Nice tip for your wedding coordinator (like perfumes from Winners or whatever, doesn't have to be expensive) will help for sure.


Please PM if you have any questions regarding specific resorts.

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Originally Posted by Barrierunner View Post
You can also use family members or friends. We have a really good camera and so does some of our friends. We will have them take some pictures if we decide to not bring our own photographer.
That is what I did for my first wedding. A friend of mine used to do photography as a hobby and was pretty good, so he was our photograph. Of course it didn't look AS good as a professional, not all the traditional shots were taken, and there was not a lot of editing after, but the quality was good enough for me. It provided me with plenty of great memories of my day. I got 150 great pictures for free (he decided it was going to be my wedding gift).

For this wedding I will do the same thing. Not the same person, as we haven't talked in years, but a few of my FI's friends have very good cameras and take lots of pictures for fun. one has even shot a couple of weddings helping out for another photograph. My step-dad also has a passion for photography and he has helped his son (who is a photograph but can't come) numerous times. Granted it wasn't wedding photography, but it photography nonetheless. I just can't afford to spend thousands of dollars on this. Even using the resort's photograph can get too pricey for me if I take too many of his shots (I'll look though and keep just the very best ones).

All in all, I think the decison of using a professional photograph or friends depends on personality. If you don't care too much about details and about getting specific shots, and if your budget is small, then yes, friends photographing your wedding can be the right solution for you.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally Posted by chela View Post
I booked a photographer whp travels to Cuba regularly to shoot weddings. She has beatiful work. Emaiol me and I can give you her details. She does not charge you for her trip is she is already going to be there to shoot other weddings.
Hi Chela - could PM the photographer details to me? I am getting married at the Iberostar Laguna Azul on February 15, 2010 and I don't have a photographer, crazy!
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  • 2 months later...
Originally Posted by Barrierunner View Post
You can also use family members or friends. We have a really good camera and so does some of our friends. We will have them take some pictures if we decide to not bring our own photographer.
I have worked as a wedding photographer for over 15 years and this is the kiss of death for wedding photos if you are looking for really great images. sure they may have a nice camera but I also have a nice car... but am not a professional race car driver.
I met a couple last week that had went that route when we were in Cuba doing a wedding for another couple .. they were not impressed with the way the photos went.

Trust me ... hire a pro from home and take them down as a "friend" of the family and you will not be sorry. Best investment.
Too many horror stories to mention. email me if you want to hear a few.
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