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What do your FI's think of the forum??

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Originally Posted by akh View Post
Paul is a combination of all of these - he thinks I am nuts for all the time I spend on here, but also knows it helped to make our wedding extra special and easier to plan. But he does roll his eyes if I mention something or someone from here! And this only gets worse if you stay on here after you're married ... lol
I have to agree with Ann and all of you girls.
Erik is happy I'm on here (I don't have to bother him about it), He also thinks I'm crazy when I'm on it so much, He also likes to put his two cents once in awhile....
I will always be on this forum,

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Everton works such long hours that it doesn't bother him at all, he laughs at me though when I talk about you girls like your my best friends. LOL I just got to bed with him, and since I never sleep, I then get up and can have my bdwf chats. Now my kids on the other hand can't stand you guys. Mom never wanted the computer before I met all of you guys, but now the kids have to share computer time not only with each other but with me (and I don't have a time limit, like they do). We have two laptops, and 7 people wanting them! Oh and our apple laptop needs a new cord to charge it so we are right now down to 1 computer, so the kids are truly hating on all of you guys smile120.gif

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My FI thinks its great cause I can talk to you guys about wedding things and I don't have to bore him. But, he thinks I want to do more and more things (ie spend more money) because of the things I see on this site. So, he is in the middle on that one.


But, my sister, who I talk to more about the site, thinks its really funny that we are all friends, I call you my friends and I talk about you guys like I have known you for years.


I think there are much worse things to be doing with my time and, I would drive everyone crazy with all my questions and stories I needed to tell them if I did not have you guys. I think we all might be a little more bridezilla if we did not have each other to vent with and ask for advice.


I LOVE THIS FORUM and all the amazing people on here.

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