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H1N1 Vaccine??


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Hey guys, I did a search & didn't find a thread for this, so hopefully I didn't overlook it. Anyway, I'm wondering what everyone's thoughts are on this vaccine. Are you planning on getting it? Are you going to get your children vaccinated?


We have a 6 year old son & his school is going to be doing the vaccinations & they want a signed consent form. I'm just not sure about it; seems like it was thrown together a little too hastily, but at the same time, I don't want to not give it to him & risk him getting this flu that has taken some childrens' lives. AGHHHHH, I don't know what to do - advice & opinions would be great!! Thanks guys :)


**Just for some added info - we give him the regular flu shot yearly **

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I am getting my daughter vaccinated with this when it comes in. She is getting the H1N1 and the flu.

I will just getting the flu one.

Id feel bad also if she got sick and I never got her vaccinated.

My FI since he is a paramedic he got both shots and since he is around sick people I would rather be proactive!

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I tend to agree with you, it's my husband who is skeptical about injecting our son with something that hasn't been extensively tested. Did your FI have any adverse reactions?? I also hate that children are going to need at least 2 steps; I think I'd feel a bit better if it were just 1 (don't know why, but I guess I would feel better if there were less crap being injected into him - like the mercury that they use as a perservative.) Well, I'm still going around in circles, but I appreciate you commenting, so I can get a feel for what everyone is going to do. Keep the comments coming ladies!!! Thanks!

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Hey there,

I haven't read the studies myself - but I can assure you that this vaccine wouldn't be available if it wasn't just as safe as the regular flu vaccine, it will essentially be the same, just against a slightly different part of the virus. In Canada they are not recommending even bothering with the regular flu shot, just H1N1 because they think it's sort of going to overtake the regular seasonal flus. I will be getting it - and giving it (our school is vaccinating all the medical and dental students - they wouldn't do that if they didn't think this was a good idea). I think you should get your son vaccinated, the chances of an adverse rxn are much less than the effects the actual virus might have..and chances are pretty good that most of us are going to be exposed. Good luck deciding...


Here is one study - only adverse effect: local tenderness and a mild headache (you could give him some children's tylenol the day he's getting the shot to minimize this)



Here is a great site - tons of info on the vaccine itself, and more about the virus etc.


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Originally Posted by sjmacphe View Post
Hey there,
I haven't read the studies myself - but I can assure you that this vaccine wouldn't be available if it wasn't just as safe as the regular flu vaccine, it will essentially be the same, just against a slightly different part of the virus. In Canada they are not recommending even bothering with the regular flu shot, just H1N1 because they think it's sort of going to overtake the regular seasonal flus. I will be getting it - and giving it (our school is vaccinating all the medical and dental students - they wouldn't do that if they didn't think this was a good idea). I think you should get your son vaccinated, the chances of an adverse rxn are much less than the effects the actual virus might have..and chances are pretty good that most of us are going to be exposed. Good luck deciding...

Here is one study - only adverse effect: local tenderness and a mild headache (you could give him some children's tylenol the day he's getting the shot to minimize this)
NEJM -- Response after One Dose of a Monovalent Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Vaccine -- Preliminary Report

Here is a great site - tons of info on the vaccine itself, and more about the virus etc.
CDC H1N1 Flu | H1N1 Flu Vaccination Resources
Thanks for the info; I will def check out those websites, although I've read so much already that my head is spinning. I'm def leaning towards getting him vaccinated. I have read that the H1N1 vac is made the same way as the reg seasonal flu vac, & we give him that every year, so I guess it's logical to get them both. Aghh, I'm over-thinking it I think. Thanks for the info & advice.
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Hi there. As an RN and an FNP student in NYC I'm mandated to get both seasonal flu & H1N1 vaccines (when it becomes available here).


The CDC recommendations for H1N1 vaccines are as follows:

CDC H1N1 Flu | Vaccine General Info


Initial Target Groups


When vaccine is first available, ACIP (Advisory Committee on on Immunization Practices) recommends that programs and providers administer vaccine to persons in the following five target groups (order of target groups does not indicate priority):


* pregnant women

* persons who live with or provide care for infants aged <6 months (e.g., parents, siblings, and daycare providers) because infants this age cannot be vaccinated

* health-care and emergency medical services personnel

* persons aged 6 months--24 years (because cases of 2009 H1N1 influenza have been seen in children who are in close contact with each other in school or day care or in dorms or work settings, which increases the likelihood of disease spread)

* persons aged 25--64 years who have medical conditions that put them at higher risk for influenza-related complications


I would check with your primary provider (& pediatrician if you have kids) to determine whether they will get the vaccines and, if they do, whether you should receive one.


It's also a really good idea to get the seasonal flu vaccine especially for young children, pregnant women, people over 65 & people with asthma, diabetes, or heart disease.

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I will be getting both the H1N1 and regular flu shots. One of the hospitals at which I practice mandated anyone who works there has to get one...or wear a mask the entire time you're in the hospital. FYI, if you do the shots, you can get them both on the same day....but if you chose the nasal mist, read this: CDC - Seasonal Influenza (Flu) - Q & A: The Nasal-Spray Flu Vaccine (Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine [LAIV])


Basically, the nasal mist is a live flu virus, but it is weakend. A co-worker of mine chose to get the nasal mist for the seasonal flu series, and has had a "head cold" for the last week since his administration. As much as I dislike getting shots, I'm opting for both vaccines.

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