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Dear Nebraska Weather: I hate you. 3 inches of snow outside. In early October. FML


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So I wake up this morning, ready to go buy my new wedding dress, look outside, and Omaha is blanketed with almost 3 inches of snow. In early October. I have my engagement photos tomorrow at noon, my car is not ready for winter, and we didnâ€t even really get a Fall this year. It was blistering hot until last week, when the temperature suddenly plummeted to a tropical 45 degrees.

Ugh, I hate our weather man. Light dusting my ass. Time to pull out the snowboots and winters coat and settle in. It looks like itâ€s going to be a long one this year.

Just thought Iâ€d take a minute to whine about the fact that the weather here is so uncooperative. How badly I wish I were down in Mexico right now, instead of here freezing to death. I need to get our heater fixed too, because itâ€s being stupid….perhaps because it hasnâ€t been turned on in 10 months. Today is just not a good day in Brandyland. 

Just thought Iâ€d share with you ladies who are in warmer climates….I resent you deeply at this point in time.  Have a good day girls!

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I absolutely know how you feel! I'm in Calgary, AB and we had a good 3-4 inches overnight as well! Today's high is -6 (20 F) It's AWFUL! We were up to 30 degrees only 2 weeks ago! And of course, the whole city seems to forget how to drive in snow over our 2 months of summer and it's complete chaos on the roads. Remind me again why we live where we dohuh.gif

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Oh the joys of Nebraska. So the snow thawed out and disappeared by late Sunday evening, and then yesterday didnâ€t suck entirely….like 49 degrees or so, so I canâ€t complain much about that. I went down to the Old Market district (basically a really artsy, historic district in Omaha) to try to find a cellist for my wedding, and low and behold a 15 minute walk from my car it starts to downpour…..FREEZING RAIN. That was awesome….to top it all off, I was going in for a pedi this afternoon, so I had thrown of flip flops as I walked out my door, and was freezing my toes off!

On my way back to west Omaha to meet with my florist I get rear ended by a woman driving a Lexus SUV, so OF COURSE she thinks that she can drive through anything, and didnâ€t seem to know what the freaking brakes on her car were for. My jeep looks mechanically fine, but my back door doesnâ€t open on its own now, and the b*tch tried to say that thereâ€s no way that she could be responsible for it, because the car looks fine, so it MUST have been prior damage.

Iâ€m sorry to say ladies, but I flew off the handle at the woman. She refused to provide her insurance info, so I threatened to call the police. Youâ€re NOT going to hit my $22,000 brand new jeep and try to tell me itâ€s prior damage. HELL NO. So after the cop gets on the scene and explains to her that she has to provide her insurance info she admits that she doesnâ€t have insurance, and in fact is driving under a suspended license. So now I have to turn all of this crap into my insurance and MY rates are going to go up. Ugh…FML.

On the bright side, one of my girlfriends surprised me with tickets to Say Anything next Wednesday down in Kansas City..forgive me, they are my guilty pleasure, please donâ€t think me emo and adolescent for my ridiculous obsession! Itâ€ll be nice to get out of Omaha for a couple of days. Hopefully itâ€s warmer down there!

Sorry for the novel girls. Hopefully my bad luck for today will in some way cheer someone up….because honestly, if it hadnâ€t happened to me Iâ€d probably be laughing at the poor fool in my shoes! 

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Oh my goodness, that is terrible!!! What an idiot sad.gif - glad you called the cops, it was the right thing to do!


I can totally sympathize with the crappy weather, although Winnipeg (aka Winterpeg) is notorious for terrible winters - it usually waits till November or so to start snowing...I am so glad we're going somewhere hot in May!!

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