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Glenda I hope you gave your friend a good verbal bashing over what she said. If one of my friends said that to me I would go off on them. My parents want a dog, and I told them flat out they don't have the money nor the sence to own a pet and I refuse to refer them to a rescue site.

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Originally Posted by tvt View Post
ugh. would peopel move if their KID couldn't go? I think not!
Originally Posted by Nrvsbride View Post
Agggh! Would they put their kid to sleep if it was an incovenience? I sincerely doubt it!
Guys I love all of my pets, and I have many. I don't know what this couples reasons are for having to get rid of their dog, or why they even have the dog in the first place, so I will not judge them, as I would never want to be judged. They are obviously at least making the effort, and it could be a very painful decision they have had to make. I sincerely hope that they are able to find a home where this dog can be loved.

I had to make a tough decision to keep or get rid of my pets when Nicole was sick and had been in the hospital for 9 months ( I was never home I lived at sick kids, and the children were being taken care of by family members), with no sight to going home, thankfully we were able to work it out and my pets stayed part of our family, or we would have all been heartbroken.

I do take offence however to people who compare dogs to children, there is no comparsion. Our dogs are a vital important part of our home, but my children are the most important part of my home. The death of a child and the death of a pet do not come close in the pain that would be felt if you were to lose your child. You cannot compare the decision of having to give up your dog with your child, of course you would not put your child to sleep, for then you would surly be a homicidal monster

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This doesn't have anything to do with the topic... well kind of...

When I was like 9 I had a frog. It was one of those clear ones, super cool! I loved him! I had the coolest tank and I took really good care of him. Well, sadly, my cats loved him too. And there had been multiple times when I caught them when they were just about to eat the poor froggy. So my ingenious little mind thought that I would FREE the froggy so that he could live happily without a cat attacking him. So, I packed him up in a little dish and walked behind my house to the pond. As I was walking through the field a snake slithered over my feet. I freaked out, threw my hands in the air, thus sending poor froggy flying into the air and landing somewhere in the field. Who knows where because I'm pretty sure I was back at home FAR away from the snake by the time the frog landed.

I still feel bad to this day. Poor frog. Never had a chance. Oh crap, now I'm all sad.

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Originally Posted by Tlseege View Post
This doesn't have anything to do with the topic... well kind of...
When I was like 9 I had a frog. It was one of those clear ones, super cool! I loved him! I had the coolest tank and I took really good care of him. Well, sadly, my cats loved him too. And there had been multiple times when I caught them when they were just about to eat the poor froggy. So my ingenious little mind thought that I would FREE the froggy so that he could live happily without a cat attacking him. So, I packed him up in a little dish and walked behind my house to the pond. As I was walking through the field a snake slithered over my feet. I freaked out, threw my hands in the air, thus sending poor froggy flying into the air and landing somewhere in the field. Who knows where because I'm pretty sure I was back at home FAR away from the snake by the time the frog landed.
I still feel bad to this day. Poor frog. Never had a chance. Oh crap, now I'm all sad.
I choose to believe that your beloved frog found his way back to the pond.

I have a houseful of frogs right now, my boys brought home a truck load of tadpoles and they are all now changing into these cute baby frogs. It has been a great learning experience for Liam, but I do have to watch him with all of the creatures in my home (there are tons) he tends to want to love them to DEATH, as most small children do. LOL

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That makes me sad.


I can understand that sometimes things don't work out with people and their pets, for whatever reason, life changes and sometimes it may be better for the animal to have a new home or it may just be something uncontrollable. I agree that I'm not going to judge them because I don't know what their situation is.


I don't think its right or okay to put an animal down, unless it had a health problem. So I think its great that they are trying to find it a home, but I think they need to work really hard at finding him a home and not even think about putting him down as an option. For me, I know I would continue to look for a home until I found one, I would never put an animal down.


As most of you know our dog had puppies several months ago. We had not gotten our dogs fixed because we weren't sure if we might want to have a litter of puppies at some time. We didn't anticipate what we were going to go through when our dog went into heat and she did get pregnant. She had six puppies and we found homes for 5 of them. I feel very good about all of the homes we found, we keep in close contact with those that have taken a puppy and know how all of them are doing. And we also told all of them if there is ever any reason why they can't keep the puppy to please call us first and we will take the dog back. We don't want our puppies to get put to sleep or end up in a shelter.


We did however keep one puppy. He has some type of neurological problem where one of his back legs doesn't work, its stiff and just sticks out. He was having a very very hard time walking, we didn't know what to do, and I was very upset everyday at the idea of having to put him down, but we didn't think we were going to have any other option.


Since then he is walking so good! His back leg is still stiff and he really only uses it to prop himself up, but he's practically running now. I can't imagine if we had given up on him and put him down, it would have broke my heart! We still don't know if he will eventually need a wheelchair or something when he gets bigger, but I'm so happy that he's learned to get himself around and that he can have a quality life.


Okay, enough of my rambling, sorry for the long post!

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Originally Posted by Tlseege View Post
This doesn't have anything to do with the topic... well kind of...
When I was like 9 I had a frog. It was one of those clear ones, super cool! I loved him! I had the coolest tank and I took really good care of him. Well, sadly, my cats loved him too. And there had been multiple times when I caught them when they were just about to eat the poor froggy. So my ingenious little mind thought that I would FREE the froggy so that he could live happily without a cat attacking him. So, I packed him up in a little dish and walked behind my house to the pond. As I was walking through the field a snake slithered over my feet. I freaked out, threw my hands in the air, thus sending poor froggy flying into the air and landing somewhere in the field. Who knows where because I'm pretty sure I was back at home FAR away from the snake by the time the frog landed.
I still feel bad to this day. Poor frog. Never had a chance. Oh crap, now I'm all sad.

I'm sorry to say I was cracking up when I read your post.
I'm sure your froggy got to the pond :)
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Kelly I am terribly sorry if I offended you or anyone else and I hope you know that I would never mean to offend anyone. I 100% agree that children and pets are different and I don't have any children so I can't even begin to imagine the pain one feels from losing a child. I can however honestly say that I would feel more devestated at the thought of losing my sister than my beloved yorkie Bentley.


I completely understand that people have legitimate reasons for having to give up their pet and sometimes it is not by choice. If someone lost their job and couldn't afford their apartment anymore and had to move in somewhere that didn't allow animals they may be forced to give their pet up. I also do respect that at least the couple Tammy is talking about is making the effort to find the dog a new home.


However, my friends case is just unacceptable. I realize that in my post I just gave the basic story but if you knew this girl you would understand why I am so heated. She is just a selfish person who bought the dog b/c it is trendy to have little dogs and now doesn't want to have it b/c he is older. After I found her dog a new home, she asked her FI to buy her a puppy. These are the type of people I am referring to, so I hope you'll understand that my comments are directed towards selfish people, not people who legitimately have to give up their pet for a good reason.


Also, I apologize if my post seemed as though I was comparing the life of a child to that of a dog. What I meant by my comment is that there are a lot of selfish people who get rid of their dogs b/c they are an inconvenience and instead of realizing that a pet is a huge responsibility and should be someone that you could consider a part of your family, they find any easy out. I would certainly hope that no one would put their child to sleep, like you said that would be murder. The point I was trying to get across is that to some people like my friend dogs are accessories, while in my home (and I know in a lot of other people's homes as well) Bentley is a part of the family. So what I meant to say was that you don't just get rid of members of your family b/c they inconvenience you, you try to make it work b/c you love them.


Once again, I'm sorry if I offended you or anyone else.

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Originally Posted by Nrvsbride View Post
Kelly I am terribly sorry if I offended you or anyone else and I hope you know that I would never mean to offend anyone. I 100% agree that children and pets are different and I don't have any children so I can't even begin to imagine the pain one feels from losing a child. I can however honestly say that I would feel more devestated at the thought of losing my sister than my beloved yorkie Bentley.

I completely understand that people have legitimate reasons for having to give up their pet and sometimes it is not by choice. If someone lost their job and couldn't afford their apartment anymore and had to move in somewhere that didn't allow animals they may be forced to give their pet up. I also do respect that at least the couple Tammy is talking about is making the effort to find the dog a new home.

However, my friends case is just unacceptable. I realize that in my post I just gave the basic story but if you knew this girl you would understand why I am so heated. She is just a selfish person who bought the dog b/c it is trendy to have little dogs and now doesn't want to have it b/c he is older. After I found her dog a new home, she asked her FI to buy her a puppy. These are the type of people I am referring to, so I hope you'll understand that my comments are directed towards selfish people, not people who legitimately have to give up their pet for a good reason.

Also, I apologize if my post seemed as though I was comparing the life of a child to that of a dog. What I meant by my comment is that there are a lot of selfish people who get rid of their dogs b/c they are an inconvenience and instead of realizing that a pet is a huge responsibility and should be someone that you could consider a part of your family, they find any easy out. I would certainly hope that no one would put their child to sleep, like you said that would be murder. The point I was trying to get across is that to some people like my friend dogs are accessories, while in my home (and I know in a lot of other people's homes as well) Bentley is a part of the family. So what I meant to say was that you don't just get rid of members of your family b/c they inconvenience you, you try to make it work b/c you love them.

Once again, I'm sorry if I offended you or anyone else.

Oh Glenda, you are such a sweetheart, hug2.gifand one of my favourite people on this forum, I know you didn't mean any offence.I just had to defend my stance on parenthood that all. I love my kids, and I love my dogs & cats, I don't so much love the tadpoles, frogs, fish , catepillers, and snails that have also managed to find a home in my house. smile120.gif

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