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people tick me off..


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Cain just got this email from a guy we work with.


Hi Cain,


I was wondering if maybe you can help out... I saw your ad on the Nissan website for the animal shelter. My parents currently have a dog, but they will be moving out of the country soon, and need to find him a new home. Unfortunately, if they can't they will need to put him to sleep. He's a Rott, and he's a big baby. He is ok with kids and cats. He's been neutered and has never bitten or attacked anybody. He is about 5 yrs old. If you know of anybody that might be interested, please let me know. They plan on making their decision by the end of July. I'm also contacting other shelters and Rott rescue places. Unfortunately, they are full and can't take any new dogs in, so I'm just trying to get the word out as much as possible. Thanks for any help you can provide.

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I'm sorry but there is no need in putting the dog to sleep.

That's stupid. Can't they find shelters outside their state or something or put up an add on craigslist or the newspaper.

If I could have a dog over here I would totally take it.


Stupid people (IMO)

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People who think like this guys parents don't have the right to own a pet, not even a gold fish... I would never move anywhere my dogs/cat or whatever animal I had couldn't be taken with me. The fact that they are only giving the Rott until the end of July makes me sick.


Mark my word, we will find a home for this dog and he will more then likely be much better off. Shoot I would take him if I had a bigger house,, and well if I didn't have three dogs and a cat already.. :-) I love rott's they are great dogs.

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That's sad. Sadly, I can kind of see their point... although I think it's terrible. But if they are older adults and have to move somewhere where pets aren't allowed, then I understand it. Of course, why did you buy a puppy five years ago?

One other thing, since it's a Rott I wouldn't ever list it in the newspaper or craigslist or anything like that. Maybe it's just me, but I would be terrified that someone would get it just for fighting purposes. It's sad.

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Well IMO, I wouldn't move out of the country if I couldn't take my dogs. And like you said if they are an older couple they why the h*ll did they get a puppy 5 years ago? And a Rott at that? Rott's need alot of attention and exercise so I bet he's not getting what he needs right now anyways.

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FI's aunt was like this---- she had a cat and when she moved into an apartment where she couldn't have the cat, she put it to sleep because she "couldn't stand" to think of him somewhere being mis-treated....


(ironically, this came from the aunt who let her cat and dog shit and piss all over the carpet and never cleaned it up, never took them to the vet, and never paid attention to the animals...)

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This kind of stuff ticks me off too. It is so rude. I don't understand these people who think that pets are just like possessions, you just put them to sleep when they don't convenience you! Agggh! Would they put their kid to sleep if it was an incovenience? I sincerely doubt it! People should have to get a license to own a pet. And they really shouldn't allow all these greedy pet mills to keep breeding animals that will eventually just end up putting most of them to sleep if they can't be sold. Sorry I know I am going off on a rant right now but I'm pissed. girl_werewolf.gif


My "friend" bought a maltese when she was 13. Well when she moved in with her FI she decided that the dog was going to be too much work so she left it with her parents. Her parents are now retired and moved to Florida and they don't want the dog so they are forcing her to take it back. She had the audacity to say to me that she is going to put it to sleep. When I shrieked in horror and asked why she said "I just don't think it would be fair for him to stay home alone while we are at work." She works from 9 AM to 2PM. Is she freaking kidding me? Well I found that dog a home real quick. They would have to put me to sleep before I ever allowed her to harm him. Mind you he is like 4 pounds (he is a teacup maltese) and he is adorable! What the hell is wrong with people?

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Geez, I don't get people like that....to put an animal to sleep because you don't want to care for it, can't stand to leave it alone, or can't bear to think of it living somewhere else is absolutely ridiculous! How heartless, insensitive and selfish...just makes me sick!

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