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I was in the same predicament! Here's what we did...


We didn't include anything about parents in our invitation, since we are paying for the bulk of the wedding ourselves, and actually, my mother and I came up with the following, simple but elegant wording:


One love. Two hearts.

Their future starts, beside the sea.


The honor of your presence is requested

At the marriage ceremony of

(Fill in your name here)


(Fill in the groom's name here)

On (Fill in the date spelled out)

At (Fill in the time spelled out)


(Name of the resort)

(Name of Town, Country in which wedding is taking place)


It was just really clean, and we thought it was gracious in the fact that was more general, as opposed to saying that John and I were doing the inviting specifically.


Hope that helps! wink.gif

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Originally Posted by Jaime+Brandon View Post
I have the same issue! I love what Christie recommended... One Love. Two Hearts. so cute!
Thanks so much, Jaime! Like I said, we just tried to keep it pretty basic with a little bit of a DW-esque flair, and we wanted to incorporate "One Love" somehow since that seems to be the unofficial slogan of Jamaica (thanks to Bob Marley and his famous song)!

Oh, and I checked out the site Michele recommended and Verse It is really great, as well! wink.gif
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