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After a LONG weekend, we finished our programs! They were really easy, bur a little time consuming. If we had made them a size that we could have just cut paper in half, it would have been quicker, but I decided to use a weird size that required me to cut each piece of paper several times.


We used card stock for the cover, and had custom stamps made from simons stamps. We stamped images on the cover using embossing powder (I had never done this; it was super easy), which raises the ink - it's kind of hard to see on the pictures. The only "regret" here is that our name stamp was really intricate with very thin lines. It was hard to get the stamp to take the ink evenly, especially on the card stock we used, which had little ridges in it. FI thinks it looks fine because it kind of looks like sand, I would have rather it be more even.


We used vellum paper between the cover and the insert, and printed out the insert just on regular paper.


We used ribbon to keep it all together - punched holes in all of it, covered the hole with eyelets, and tied ribbon through it.


I got this idea from another website from someone who did CD programs, but I can't find the link.


Click the image to open in full size.


Click the image to open in full size.


You can't really tell in this picture, but there is light blue vellum on top.


Click the image to open in full size.


Click the image to open in full size.


Click the image to open in full size.

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Thanks everyone !!!!


We had, in order: an opening quote, a page of thanks, a page acknowledging those that had passed away or couldn't make it, wedding participants, ceremony outline, and instructions to our guests.


I'll post the template in case anyone wants to use it.

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Here is the template. I borrowed heavily from others on this forum for it - so thanks thanks thanks!


It is set up so that I printed the page double sided, and when I cut each "page" out they flipped correctly when ordered in the program. (So they are not in the order they appear in the program in the document.) I only needed one sheet of paper per program (8 program pages total)


This required me to cut each "page." You could probably figure out how to do it so you could just fold the paper and it would work out, instead of having to cut it, but my brain was already fried.



Ceremony program insert 2.doc

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