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Help with MOH

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Hi and welcome ashore BDW!


Most people will incorporate loved ones in other ways in the wedding, like doing a reading, or giving them a special flower, or ushering, or some other task that makes them feel involved. You will find tonnes of advice on that here in the forums.


Happy planning :)

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I stressed over this too. When I told one of my friend that obviously expected to be in my bridal party, she totally validated my decision. Her response was "You know we are giving up a trip to Italy to visit family for this" and I told her while it meant the world for her to be at my wedding, she had to prioritized herself, and I would understand if she decided not to come. She really doesn't have my best interests in mind if she throws that in my face. And while I do want her there I don't want to have to suffer for it either. After she had a day or two to calm down . . . she did tellme she understood my decision.

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