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Doing Our Gift Registry tomorrow!!

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Hi everyone! My FI and I are going to The Bay tomorrow night to start our gift registry. We weren't going to do one, but everyone has been asking, and since so many of our friends and family can't make it to Jamaica, we thought it would be easier to provide them with a list instead of having them guess. Plus I think our moms will rope me into a bridal shower too!


I am so nervous! I can never decide on anything and have no idea what I want, never mind getting my FI to agree with me!! I was hoping some of you who have done yours already might have some advice for me!!! I'll take it all!!



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The same thing happened to us! We were totally against doing a registry (we've been living together for a while and didn't need much). But people kept asking for our registry info...so we caved and registered at The Bay and at Home Outfitters. To be honest, we didn't find a lot at The Bay, but we LOVED Home Outfitters!! We felt it was organized better and items are generally cheaper, so we didn't feel as guilty putting them on the registry.


Anyway, have fun with it! The registry people are very nice, and once you get your price-code gun, the fun begins!!

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