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Bridesmaid Trouble!! What would you do??


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I guess if they want to go to Jamaica that's fine but make it clear that they can't attend the wedding events. Maybe your friend can have one guest attend but it's not a party on you for all!! I do agree that it's rude.

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  • 6 months later...

I think that is really inconsiderate to you and your FI. Maybe I'm selfish, but we told guests that wanted to invite other people that we would be very upset if they even came to the resort. We plan on having a week long party with all of our guests since they are spending all of this money to join us. Everyone is welcome to do what they want on the six non wedding days or join us in our pre arranged excursions and events. I don't mind if guests choose to spend their whole vacation by the pool and not join us for any of the events, it is their vacation, but I would be offended if they spent the whole time with someone I didn't even invite or know.

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I agree with everyone else. It makes sense to me if she is allowed a plus one, however she chooses to use it -- who wants to travel all that way alone? But the other two guests def don't need to be included and you shouldn't feel pressured to do so.

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I agree -- the more the merrier at the resort, but the wedding is personal and only those who were invited by YOU should be in attendance.


That said, one of my son's friends called out of the blue while we already there and asked if he could come to the resort. I let him come to the wedding and reception because it was only one more seating and I don't regret it. He turned out to be a great addition to the guest list! But that was my experience, and yours could be a whole lot different!

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