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Help me choose our guest info booklet cover! *new info #16

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OK ladies I need your opinions.


We had "guest info" booklets made with pictures of each couple and a fun fact about each person in it so that everyone will know who each other is. We're going to hand these out when we get to Mexico along with our welcome letter. The girl who I outsourced this to gave us 2 options for the cover - both very different. We can't decide which one we want to use and we need to tell her in a few hours.


The first one is funny - she is playing on the fact that you always meet fun people at weddings and then like 2 weeks later you'll be like "what was that person's name again?" Also she did a blurb on the inside saying "don't you hate when you forget someone's name mid-way through an introduction?" so it kinda ties in. Here it is:


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The second one is more "plain" but also a tad boring:


Click the image to open in full size.


Although boring, we're wondering if the first one might be a bit offensive maybe? So the second one is a safer choice...?


Which one do you guys like better?

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Hmm Heather this is a toughie. I agree with you 100% that the second is a bit boring but the first could totally be taken the wrong way. Everyone's sense of humor is different. Personally, I get the play on words and its so true that you do meet people, have a blast and forget them... but I also feels like it sort of implies that the bonds made and fun times at your wedding will "soon be forgotten" and that doesn't sit well.


Would she be willing to revise it to something in the middle? Like something like "New Friends.. so you don't forget!" or "To help you remember your New Friends" or even just more straight forward like "Who's who of our fabulous friends"

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