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Bride-to-be shower etiquette

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I got whatever the hostess drink... wine, vodka... I made a label to stick on them that had our wedding monogram, their name and a Thank You. I added a little bling to it and tied ribbon around the neck. I really thought they were cute. I am giong to do it again for my next shower too.

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  • 4 months later...



Originally Posted by autjo View Post


I did not contribute to the favor bags for the guests in attendance. The hostesses seriously already had everything planned without my help.


As for the hostess gifts I did end up going the shower route. I printed up tags with a little picture of a bath tub shower that said "I hope your shower is as wonderful as mine" and then got them some Lush products. They loved them especially since they are a little more unique than Bath and Body and Lush does basic gift wrapping for free :)

Fitting with the shower theme, I gave each of our three hosts  (mom, stepmom and FMIL) two philosophy shampoo/conditioner/shower gels -- senorita margarita and melon daquiri -- and a loofah with palm trees on it :-)  We are going to ptint tags that say "hope your next shower is as wonderful as ours were" on the front, and a personalized message on the back expressing our gratitude and saying we hope these scents get you pumped for Mexico.


Autjo, would you mind posting your tag template?? 



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This was for my engagement party: Of course I left everything to the last minute. We were supposed to have the nice resident room rented out in the downstairs of our building. I walked downstairs 2 hours before the party (I was about to go buy a gift for the hostesses) and there was another girl down there cooking up a storm for HER engagement party!!! The dumb owners double booked the room!! Even though she had just reserved it that week and I had 2 months prior, I was not about to kick this girl out after they had decorated and everything, she looked like she was about to cry, as was I. Luckily, my friend quickly reserved the room at her highrise and off we were.....I had a huge punch bowl of sangria inbetween my legs that spilled all over my dad's car...oh well, everyone made it to the new location with 30 minutes notice and thought the place looked fabulous! Anyway, since the crisis occurred, I invited the hostess' (and the bridesmaid that saved us with her room) to come to try on bridal dresses, beforehand I took them to a nice brunch, paid for it, and had written them each a heartfelt thank you card.

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  • 3 months later...



Originally Posted by Jtswedding View Post


I got hostess gifts. I found travel pillow/blankets at marshals for about $5- each and then I got a philosophy body wash and Im going to put a tag on the body wash that say I hope you have as great of a shower as I did.


I love this idea!  Thanks!

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This is a great idea!!  I also love the idea of travel pillows and blankets.  I didn't even think of getting hostess gifts, but I will definately add this onto my list!


Originally Posted by jjflipt View Post

I got whatever the hostess drink... wine, vodka... I made a label to stick on them that had our wedding monogram, their name and a Thank You. I added a little bling to it and tied ribbon around the neck. I really thought they were cute. I am giong to do it again for my next shower too.


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