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Uh oh. Unhappy with the resort (BRB)


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Back in the spring we finally decide on Breezes Runaway Bay as our resort. We knew they didn't allow guests under 14. This wasn't a problem. Most people we know with kids under 14 just couldn't afford to go. The only exception I knew of was my cousin who has two little kids -3 and 6. BUT her husband was sick and in the hospital and then passed away in April so I didn't think she'd be able to make it given everything that was going on in her life and bills she'd have to pay.


A few weeks ago she said that she'd like to try and come to the wedding. At first she wasn't going to bring the kids but then she changed her mind. I told her about the age policy of the resort so she was looking at renting a villa about 5 minutes away and my parents were going to stay with her because of her situation.


I emailed the wedding coordinator for BRB to ask about guest passes. The complimentary wedding says it includes "4 Complimentary off-property wedding guest passes" no fine print or anything. The WC emails me back and says that those are only good for 1 hour - just for the wedding and that if the guests would like to stay longer we must purchase day passes for $65/each AND that children would have to be "taken home" since kids under 14 aren't allowed to use the resort facilities period. Now, before we booked I called the main office and was asking questions. The lady then made it seem like we could purchase day passes for kids under 14 and that they would have the same access as everybody else - just for the day of the wedding. Of course I didn't get this in writing because I really didn't think it would be an issue.


Now IF they would make an exception for two little kids (its not like we're having a whole gang running around) then i'd also have to pay for FIVE guest passes at $65 each instead of the one I initially thought i'd have to pay for. There's NO notice or fine print that the passes are only good for 1 hour. I guess they could argue that it says "off-property WEDDING guess passes" and not "day passes" or just "passes".


I'm really upset because after all she's been through this year, i'd like to see her and the kids there. But I don't feel right asking them to spend all that money and fly to Jamaica just to be there for an hour. And I don't have the heart to tell her not to come now. I emailed my mom and she's going to pass along the information. I have a feeling my cousin will just forget about coming (hasn't booked yet). I'm so sad and kinda angry at the resort! Especially since I asked questions before booking and it all sounded like it was fine. If everybody wouldn't lose so much money i'd think about changing resorts. I know this is stupid just for 3 guests, two of which are little kids who won't remember anyway. Making it worse is my fiance saying: "I don't understand why we invited little kids anyway when the resort doesn't allow them". He doesn't think before he speaks sometimes. I'm certainly not going to invite everybody but her or leave her kids out knowing full well she lost her husband this year and its not like she could come alone and leave them home with him.


Also making it worse is that I don't have nearly as many family members coming as my fiance does. His family has already booked 10 rooms and so far nobody on my side has booked at all. I know my parents are coming and potentially two of my aunts but that's it. My brother isn't even coming. I do have maybe 4 friends coming (two couples). I was just really happy that somebody else from my side cared enough to make the effort.


I'm so bummed and I don't see how this is going to work out. I hate you right now BRB!!!

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I am sorry you are going through this. I also think that these resorts seem very accomodating and generous, until you book then after that is NO NO NO NO we don't do that.

Is there any way your cousin could find a family member to watch the kids at home for a few days? Maybe she could come alone? (and sounds like she can probably use a vacation). Or if they all come, maybe find a reputable babysitter who will watch the kids in the villa during the wedding? Sorry this is probably not what you want to hear, just throwing out some suggestions.

Hope it all works out.

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Oh, NO!!!!


I AM SO SORRY TO HEAR YOU ARE GOING THROUGH THIS MESS! I agree with the suggestions Michelle has made, and maybe there are some creative solutions so that she is able to attend after all?


HANG IN THERE, and we're always here if you need to vent! I will be keeping my fingers crossed that everything works out for you and your family!

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I am sorry you are having to deal with this...but, its not just BRB policy. Most, if not all, "adult only" facilities are this way. BRB charges extra, because like TA Maureen said, your guests would get access to everything there all day. I have been to Breezes Bahamas many times and they stick to this rule as well. Keep your chin up and who knows, maybe another family member who can't make it can watch your cousins kids so she can have some "Adult" time to relax and enjoy herself.


And about your family members not coming...you are not the only one with this. My mom was the most important person I wanted there...and she will be there! Everyone else is a bonus:) Most of our guests are our close friends which I am thrilled they are able to make it.


I am also getting married at BRB so I can help you out with anything if you need..there aren't many BRB on here so we gotta help each other out!


Good luck:)

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Originally Posted by TA Maureen View Post
I'm sorry that you are having to deal with this and even more sorry for your poor cousin and her kids. What a terrible ordeal for her to have lost her husband.

The "wedding passes" are just to attend the wedding. Day passes cost more because it allows guests access to all restaurants and bars so they can eat and drink.

I guess if you want to look at it another way you could imagine you are a bride getting married at BRB. You know the rule is 14 and over. You follow the rule and make the tough decision to tell everyone invited "adults only". So even though it makes you unpopular for a bit with a relative with children that relative still decides to follow the rules and attend your wedding leaving the children at home. Then they get to the resort and 2 children well under the age of 14 go running by. That could cause lots of trouble! That is why the resort cannot bend the rules. It is never just for one couple.

I think it was a good idea to try to find a nanny/babysitter to watch the kids during the wedding.
She didn't say the kids couldn't come for the wedding - just that they couldn't stay and and use the resort facilities. I understand it's the resort rules and who I am to have them bent for me (even though I know she's not the type of mom to let her kids run wild). I get if they were to make an exception for me they'd have to make one for everybody.We probably have enough people to book the whole restaurant so its not like its going to annoy anybody there. I would just like them to be able to stay for dinner - longer than an hour.

What really makes me mad is that I specifically asked these questions BEFORE booking and was NOT told about ANY of these conditions. Now it puts me in a really shitty position of having to tell my cousin her kids can't come unless she only wants to be there for an hour. I also think that 14 year old can be more of a pain in the ass than 3 year olds and i'll be more mad about them running around the wedding like morons than I would be with a toddler.
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Originally Posted by TA Maureen View Post
Why don't you ask Keisha if they can stay if you book and pay for a private reception? It is understandable that children wouldn't be allowed in one of the restaurants at an adults only resort but private receptions are avaialble from $50.00-$90.00 per person depending on the menu. They can be set up on the beach, by the garden gazebo, or in the meeting room/ballroom. Perhaps if you book a private reception there would be an exception? You can also have your TA contact the GM regarding this if Keisha is unable to help.

Good Luck!
Yeah that would be nice but there's no way my fiance is going to spend that kind of extra money just for the three of them to stay longer. So we're pretty much just SOL.
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im so sorry i am feeling your pain girl.as time passes people will book and as the time comes nearer im sure you will just be more and more excited.just remember its not how many people go with you its what the people mean to you who attends (hope that makes sense).


i would play hell with the wc though.could you your mum + cousin chip in for the passes?

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Or maybe you can ask the WC or the hotel itself if they know of any local babysitters with great reputations, and offer to pay for the cost of the child care? Seriously, your cousin sound like she's had a rough year and may appreciate the time away from them to do "grown up" stuff. That way she wont have to worry about overstaying a time limit or feel she is being judged by the other (no-kids families). Suggest this alternative and she may appreciate it more than you think.

I have had to miss a few weddings due to some of them requesting no kids. If the bride had called me ahead of time and offered to pay for the babysitter, I would have been eternially grateful and took her up on it! Plus, I am sure there are some off-resort activites you can all do together right?

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Originally Posted by michelle6114 View Post
Or maybe you can ask the WC or the hotel itself if they know of any local babysitters with great reputations, and offer to pay for the cost of the child care? Seriously, your cousin sound like she's had a rough year and may appreciate the time away from them to do "grown up" stuff. That way she wont have to worry about overstaying a time limit or feel she is being judged by the other (no-kids families). Suggest this alternative and she may appreciate it more than you think.
I have had to miss a few weddings due to some of them requesting no kids. If the bride had called me ahead of time and offered to pay for the babysitter, I would have been eternially grateful and took her up on it! Plus, I am sure there are some off-resort activites you can all do together right?
Yeah I just don't think she'd be real thrilled about leaving her kids with a stranger in a foreign country. Maybe she'll consider leaving her kids with her sister but there's been a lot of drama in her family since her husband passed away so I don't know.

But congrats on your VERY upcoming wedding!!
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