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Too many friends, no more BM slots!

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How can I include close friends in the wedding when I already have my Bridesmaids picked? I have 3 or 4 more friends that I am close with and want them apart of the wedding, yet not really a bridesmaid. Someone mentioned Honorary Bridesmaid or something. I can tell they are a little disappointed they aren't a Bridesmaid and I know they will be close with everything about the wedding, just want them to some how be more included.



Help! I need suggestions?

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I originally started off with 7 girls in my wedding right now I have 2 definites! Not to be debbie downer but are all of your girls booked?? If one backs out then ask another to be a part of the wedding. Keep your options open.And if need be ask them to do a reading or still involve them with getting ready and what not.

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Make them an "unofficial bridesmaid". Have only 1 person walk down the aisle with you, but still have them get ready with you for hair, makeup, getting dressed.


Or throw them all in! Break traditions! You don't have to have an even number of guys and girls. If they are all special to you, ask them all!


Sometimes brides find it difficult when there are too many opinions. Something else to consider.


Personally, I didn't specifically ask anyone to be a MOH, BM as I knew those I wanted, couldn't afford to come. One girl is coming with me so I asked her to be MOH. Well this kinda leaves a problem for wedding showers, bachelorette, etc because no one else was really involved in planning these events, and she took it upon herself to do everything. She planned things I didn't really want, and kinda messed up with the shower. That's why I'd consider asking them to be your "Unofficial Bridesmaid", so they can help with at home stuff.

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