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pre-wedding reception decoration woes...


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Haha yeah. Its like a switch flipped last night. He asked me to apologize for continually arguing about it (as opposed to just dropping it for a bit). I did and everything was fine! When I say fine - it's not perfect. He's still a bit grouchy but I think its mostly due to the fact that they're laying off people at work and he's concerned about his job. I also contacted some more places and have a ton of options now. I can rent some in Canada (a friend said she'd go pick them up). I can buy some from a Canadian vendor (she said I could have them shipped to her) - which keeps me from paying astronomical shipping charges or her from paying customs charges if I were to buy from a company outside canada. OR I contacted the place I originally wanted to buy from and 100 sashes weigh only.....12 pounds. So where his mom got 52, I'll never know. I have a feeling she did a random google check and didn't see that it included the covers or something.


I think i'm going to give him a few days and then try to talk him into taking them with us again since its only 12 pounds (gosh imagine that I was trying to tell him there's no rational way those things weigh 50 pounds. Shoulda listened to me and not his mom but of course I won't say that to him). I hate to inconvenience a friend with bringing them to set up and also with getting rid of them after. THANKS for the support!!

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I'm so sorry to hear this has turned into a huge fight. While I totally agree that you should have your wedding the way you want...and this is probably the main reason most of us have decided to have destination weddings in the first place, I would also lightly suggest you not get so worked up over this detail. Is it really worth all the turmoil and the hard feelings?? I'm not saying you're not correct in the way you feel, and if this were your actual wedding, I would totally say stand your ground, but you are having your dream wedding in Jamaica. Now if you had to pay $100 to ship satin sashes down to Jamaica because that's what you wanted, so be it!!


Having a pre-wedding celebration with his family in Canada and having your FMIL help out is a great way to strengthen the bond that it sounds like you have, without her really stepping on your toes for the actual wedding. A great compromise I think. Just trying to offer another way to look at it. I hate to hear brides get worked up over what should be a fun time.


I hope it all works out!! :)

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Oh I totally know what you mean Zethers. I think part of the reason I wanted a DW is because I KNEW I would get worked up over these things. The is the first time it's happened in regard to the reception and I really don't like that I feel this way. I keep hearing "this is your day, this is your reception, we'll do whatever you want". Then I get so frustrated when I can't have what I want (yea yeah i'm the oldest child). Neither of us really wanted something this formal and while I appreciate the gesture I wish we would have stood our ground and insisted on something less formal.


Its at 6 in the evening on a Saturday with a sit down dinner, DJ and bar. Now I feel pressured to make sure its a unique, one of a kinda reception people won't think looks cheap or tacky. If we'd just done hotdogs and hamburgers in the backyard there would have been no expectations. I know this is really my personal problem and that sashes are stupid and shouldn't be an issue. I KNOW deep down it won't make it any less fun if I don't have them. But I still want them. Haha. As my fiance would say while rolling his eyes "Girls".

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