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Guilt for Chosing DW


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Congrats on your engagement and welcome to the world of BDW. I think we all understand the grumbles from family and friends when they first heard about us having a DW. At least your mother is supportive. DOn;t worry about what others have to say. If this is what you and FI want- stick to your guns and DO IT! Your fam and friends should love and respect your wishes no matter where you choose to get married. If they don't want to go,then oh well- you'll have a wonderful time without them. You can't please everyone. No matter what you do everyone won't be happy.


Good Luck!!

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  • 10 months later...

Ok, this thread is almost a year old, but I had to bring it back....I'm feeling this exact way too!!  Everytime I see my FI's dad he says to me "Why do you have to get married in Mexico!?!" ... and I'm not exagerating when I say EVERY time I see him.  I have a few important family members who tell me they're not coming also :o(  It does make me feel like i'm being selfish..even though it is something my FI and I talked about before we were even engaged...this is a tough thing to struggle with.


On top of it...my great aunt, who is very strict catholic, the minute I told her we were having a DW tells me my wedding isn't going to be real because it's not in a church!  Now of course, I tried not to take offense to that, because it is her strict religious belief...but she then tells me "you know your grandfather won't go or approve" -- and I actually don't think he is going.


All in all, my FI and I are SO excited to get to Mexico and be married, but this is definitely something I struggle with too.

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Congrats on your engagement and I am sorry you are frustreted and stressed!  First of all I have to tell you that almost ALL of us on this site have gotten some sort of grief from family or friends at some point in their DW planning.  It sucks and is unfair and I dont know how any of these people have the NERVE of asking people to change something about someone elses WEDDING!!!!! THEY ARE ATTENDING IT NOT GETTING MARRIED.  grrrr this makes me so mad


My futture mother in law hates that we are getting married away in another county and everytime I see her she mentions it.  Oh freaking well.  It is OUR choice not hers. 


If you want to get married at the trash facility you should be able to.  Do what you want and stick to your guns!  Enjoy the process. It is your time! 



This should be a happy amazing time for you and your family.  Hopefully they will come to understand that.  ;)


Sorry everyone for any insult or offence I am just upset by this. 



Good luck sweetie. 

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It's your day, so have the wedding of your dreams, if you want to be able to celebrate with family members who may not be able to go to the DW have a small reception at home after you get married. but in the end it's your day, and your memories, so create the day and memories that you want! Congrats!

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OMG...I wrote this post almost a year ago!!!  It was right after we became engaged and now we are married!!!  My best advice...do what YOU want to do. Period.  End of story.


Bottom line... Everything worked out in the end.  The people that wanted to be there...were there.   Some could not afford it and they did not make it. I also learned that I was not as close to some people as I thought I was...which was a lesson that I am so happy to have learned now before I invested anymore time and energy in some people.  We had 54 people in the Bahamas with us and everything was just perfect. I can't tell you how many times my now husband and I have said that we are soooooo glad that we followed our heart.  People LOVED our wedding and at the end of the day, all that we tried to do was to create an beautiful and amazing lasting memory for not only ourselves but our families and friends and if there is anyone out there that is unable to understand...then so be it!!!


  Happy planning girls and do NOT let anyone rain on your parade!!

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