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Should we be paying for the off-property guest day passes

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Agree with everyone - I would pay for the family.


We mentioned on our website that if they stayed somewhere else it is a $70 fee to get onto the property generally (so they would know they couldn't stay some place else and just come and hang out with everyone) but also mentioned that for the wedding they can come up to 30 min early and not have to pay (I think this is standard at most AIs).

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I think it would be nice to pay for the guest passes for the people that have children and can't stay at the resort. However, I agree with your fiance. If you suggested they stay at the resort your wedding is being held at, then I don't feel you should have to pay for them as long as they don't have children. I feel bad....thats a tough situation, though! Good luck with everything!

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I agree with others - I would pay for the cousin as they really have no other choice but to stay off-site. But for everyone else, its their choice to stay at another resort, therefore they should pay for their passes!!


We are in the same boat, and when ppl were considering staying off-site, we made sure to say to them that if they done that, they may save money, but they would either need to buy a day pass to get into our hotel for the wedding, and then get kicked out at 11pm - or pay for a nights stay at our hotel. Just make sure your guests who are planning to stay off-site know all this, if your hotel is the same as ours anyway, so they don't come back saying anything! :)

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Funny because at first when I read your post, I thought for sure you should not pay for anyone who chooses to stay somewhere else. However, with your cousin and the one extra person I think it's a very kind gesture on your part and may even alleviate some stress off your cousin.... good luck.

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  • 3 years later...

I know this is a very old post, but I was hoping to get some feedback....


Since we are getting married over the Easter 2013 break, we invited some extra people (my future inlaws, inlaws) so they could make it a FAMILY VACATION.  It is my FI, Bill's sister-in-law's sister, husband & son.


Our wedding is 7 weeks away.  We have made comments to my FI's sister-in-law that the resort was filling up and that her sister & family should book now.  We had 33 rooms reserved and all our friends/family booked.  She indicated they are usually last minute people so they would book in due time...and they may not stay at our resort...they were still deciding.  Well, they called this week to book at our resort and could not get in.  IT'S FULL.  They are forced to stay off property.


My question is, do we offer to pay the resort's day passes for them?  Even though they are last minute planners?   I have only met the sister & her son on one occassion a few years ago and not the husband.  They are staying near our resort for a few days and then heading back up toward Cancun at another resort.  We have specifially stated on the wedding website that there are guest pass fees if they stay off site.  Here's what we stated:


Staying Off-Site?


If you are planning to stay off site at a separate resort or hotel please be advised that Day Passes must be purchased in order for you to attend our wedding ceremony.

If staying at a sister Riu hotel of lower category passes are $45 US/person. Persons staying in other hotels would pay $1o0 US/person.



I am unsure what I want to do about this.  My gut says we should pay, but it's not our fault the resort is booked.  Any insight ??  Thanks.

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I think if they were welll aware of this resort fee- then you should not pay for it- it's not your fault the resort is booked.  All of our guests stayed at our resort so I did not have this issue- but one couple who did not end up coming said they would stay at a different resort if they had- and I may it clear they would have to pay for a day pass if they went that route. 

Originally Posted by elissae View Post

I know this is a very old post, but I was hoping to get some feedback....


Since we are getting married over the Easter 2013 break, we invited some extra people (my future inlaws, inlaws) so they could make it a FAMILY VACATION.  It is my FI, Bill's sister-in-law's sister, husband & son.


Our wedding is 7 weeks away.  We have made comments to my FI's sister-in-law that the resort was filling up and that her sister & family should book now.  We had 33 rooms reserved and all our friends/family booked.  She indicated they are usually last minute people so they would book in due time...and they may not stay at our resort...they were still deciding.  Well, they called this week to book at our resort and could not get in.  IT'S FULL.  They are forced to stay off property.


My question is, do we offer to pay the resort's day passes for them?  Even though they are last minute planners?   I have only met the sister & her son on one occassion a few years ago and not the husband.  They are staying near our resort for a few days and then heading back up toward Cancun at another resort.  We have specifially stated on the wedding website that there are guest pass fees if they stay off site.  Here's what we stated:


Staying Off-Site?


If you are planning to stay off site at a separate resort or hotel please be advised that Day Passes must be purchased in order for you to attend our wedding ceremony.

If staying at a sister Riu hotel of lower category passes are $45 US/person. Persons staying in other hotels would pay $1o0 US/person.



I am unsure what I want to do about this.  My gut says we should pay, but it's not our fault the resort is booked.  Any insight ??  Thanks.

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Well, are they guests to your wedding?  If they're not, and they were just going because they wanted to vacation with your inlaws, then you absolutely shouldn't be paying for their passes.  And even if they are invited to your wedding, you gave ample notice of booking the resort.  It's not your responsibility to have to pay out of your pocket because they're last minute people - as your fiancee's sister in law pointed out.  If anyone feels the need to pay for their day passes, than I would leave it to the inlaws.   Don't feel bad about it, you've got plenty of other things going on and stuff to fret over.  This is the last thing that you should be concerned with.  You're a bride, not a mommy to them, lol.  I know..I sound a bit mean.  Just don't think you have to feel obligated to do any of it.  They're grown-ups, I'm sure they'll understand, and if they don't - they'll get over it ; )

Originally Posted by elissae View Post

I know this is a very old post, but I was hoping to get some feedback....


Since we are getting married over the Easter 2013 break, we invited some extra people (my future inlaws, inlaws) so they could make it a FAMILY VACATION.  It is my FI, Bill's sister-in-law's sister, husband & son.


Our wedding is 7 weeks away.  We have made comments to my FI's sister-in-law that the resort was filling up and that her sister & family should book now.  We had 33 rooms reserved and all our friends/family booked.  She indicated they are usually last minute people so they would book in due time...and they may not stay at our resort...they were still deciding.  Well, they called this week to book at our resort and could not get in.  IT'S FULL.  They are forced to stay off property.


My question is, do we offer to pay the resort's day passes for them?  Even though they are last minute planners?   I have only met the sister & her son on one occassion a few years ago and not the husband.  They are staying near our resort for a few days and then heading back up toward Cancun at another resort.  We have specifially stated on the wedding website that there are guest pass fees if they stay off site.  Here's what we stated:


Staying Off-Site?


If you are planning to stay off site at a separate resort or hotel please be advised that Day Passes must be purchased in order for you to attend our wedding ceremony.

If staying at a sister Riu hotel of lower category passes are $45 US/person. Persons staying in other hotels would pay $1o0 US/person.



I am unsure what I want to do about this.  My gut says we should pay, but it's not our fault the resort is booked.  Any insight ??  Thanks.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We weren't going to pay for guests who chose to stay elsewhere but when I had to submit our guest list/count to the resort, they asked for how many were not staying on the property. We will have 2, so they added the $80 day pass fee per person to our other wedding costs. I guess we will end up paying for them after all since there's not really a nice way to say "hey we had to pay another $160 for you, so pay us back." I thought there would be a way for them to pay when they showed up. Guess not!

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