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Alright ladies, I need your help once again...


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Denise, I am SOOOO glad you've decided to go with the letter! Like I said before, maybe it will give them a chance to read it and actually "hear" you, and perhaps they will cool down before they contact you. And, this is a really great opportunity for you to remind them that you are an adult now, and that if they can't love you and be supportive, then you don't need their abuse and negativity in your life.


It sounds like you've got the love of your FI and FMIL in spades, and that is the best news of all!


Wishing you luck, and you'll be in my thoughts, lady! wink.gif

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Okay, I had the letter all written (and it was a good one too!) and then my Mom calls me... So I start off the phone call with "Mom, I had my midterm on Friday and it was worth 40% of my grade, and I got a 96%!" and she was really happy and excited for me, so then I said "Well, now that I know you're in a good mood, I want to mention something to you... You know me and Marc are getting married obviously, and we were thinking about going to Cuba somewhere, but I know you guys aren't into lounging on a beach all day, nor are you comfortable with travelling so some of these small countries... So instead, we'd like to go to Florida. Actually, more specifically, Walt Disney World" (I was nervous as hell at this point, almost shaking, when she said what I've been hoping for...


"There's nothing wrong with that my love."



AAAAAAAAAHHHHH! smile29.gif Then she goes on to say that her and Dad should have no problem paying for their trip because I gave them lots of notice, and she wants me to let her know as soon as I talk to a Travel Agent regarding pricing and such cheesy.gif Yay! That made me SO happy! And from the tone of her voice, she still sounds supportive, meaning that she'll still help out with some of the cost if need be, just like she would have in Dildo (I'll waiting for the snickering again... lol)


So, point of my post, IT'S DONE! AND THEY'RE SUPPORTIVE!!! bunny_4.gifbunny_4.gifbunny_4.gif

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I am smiling from ear-to-ear right now for you -- and I think that was a smart move to sweeten her up a little bit with your awesome midterm score! SOOOOO super excited for you and glad that you can finally find some peace now that the Mouse is out of the BAG (get it? Mickey Mouse, not cat!) Ugh, I know, I'm cheesy, but I couldn't help but try to incorporate a little more of Walt Disney World here since THAT IS WHERE YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED, parents and all!



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I'm so happy that things went so well for you!! Family drama can be so stressful, and I'm sorry for all the additional anxiety that your family has caused you! I'm not sure what has caused your mom to change her entire attitude, so I'm a bit weary, but I'm so happy that she's finally come around to be supportive both emotionally and (hopefully) financially. Good luck with the rest of the wedding plans!!

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Thanks ladies! cheesy.gif And family drama is SUPER stressful, which is why I'm so glad this bit is over with. I spoke briefly with my oldest sister, and she thinks it's a good idea too ^_^ And I'm SO thankful for FMIL, I'm constantly having mother-daughter talks with her lol


And the MOUSE is out of the bag lol Loves it! I should have let that darn mouse out a LONG time ago, it would have saved me a lot of stress lol

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