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my family booked through the TA, I think it was just easier for them and wasn't that much of a difference. But we also have 3 couples that booked through orbitz & expedia because they found cheaper prices, I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that they don't have any problems. I've never booked through the online sites, it kind of makes me nervous!


I also didn't do a room block, but we only have about 20 ppl coming so it wasn't really necessary.

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I think also that your guests have to look at what they are being quoted--- most online resellers aren't including all the taxes and transport from airport to hotel and back.


Also, I've heard nightmare stories about people using the online resellers and when they have a travel issue, they can't get it straightened out easily because all the calls go through call centers, instead of an individual representative. So you may book with an agent named Mary, but you wind up trying to argue your case with Peter, who may or may not believe you and do what's best for your guests.


I also included on our website the fact that through our TA, there are little "perks" like her being able to book their golf or spa packages with a 10% discount.... or that by booking through our agent, they are now linked to our wedding and any preferred treatment extended to our guests by the hotel (upgrades/freebies) will include them. If they book elsewhere, they won't be linked to our wedding and any issues they have with the travel or resort, they will have to handle on their own.

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About 80% of our guests are using Tammy. Some of my FIs family used their own TA. There is nothing you can really do to make them use your TA - just give them your TA and no other options. If they do research on their own you gotta kinda let them.

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