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Who else is unemployed and frustrated?


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I think we need to bring this thread back to life, maybe we can even exchange tips or something.


I am at a total loss, I just graduated and can't get a job for the life of me, and its really stressful because my FI is in law school so he doesn't have a job and won't for another year and a half. I am living at home so at least I don't need to pay rent but I just don't know how we are going to move out on our own with nothing. A nice old lady I know was telling me how her and her husband got married with $300, and that was it. My parents also got married with very little money when they were young - but I stress so much about how we are going to make it.


It doesn't make matters better that I was offered a position and now the lady won't return my calls.


I also work part time at Kohls but it is getting bad there the people are so rude and I am starting to really hate it. I guess I should be happy I have at least that but I have been so down lately it really sucks. I keep joking that I can't even be a housewife because we aren't married yet!!


Oh well I just thought I would add my vent to this thread and maybe we can help each other out with job stuff & since we do so well with wedding ideas!!


Oh and Susie Q, I just read an article how a lot of companies started and did great in a recession (trader joes was one of them) I was just looking into selling a book I wrote.

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I can totally relate to what you all are going through. Because of this recession I have had to take a semester off of school and work full time at a restaurant. People can be so rude and I hate it somedays, I get so frustrated and depressed thinking of my high hopes years ago when I started college and how I wanted to do something with my life and now I'm working 6 days a week watching people stuff themselves with shrimp and treat me like I was made to cater to their every need. It really sucks sometimes but I know it won't last forever.

And I also know that in these times, I lucky to have even that and lucky that I have some sort of job security.


FI was laid off from the job he's been at for years last January and since that it has been one thing after another. He started going to school and started working entry level jobs trying to get into his field and so many times he has been there for a month or so and the business goes under or they have to lay him off to stay afloat. I understand this economy is bad on everyone but it is so hard to be at the time in our lives where we have the most time and energy we ever will and not be able to be making anything for ourselves because we're constantly just trying to survive.


At the moment we're broke and exhausted but we're happy because we have each other and we know that we've gotten through this together. Things are looking up in the next couple months, you just have to keep some hope alive, even if you let it go and just cry some nights because you don't know what to do and feel like you aren't doing anything with your life.


A great book I just read called, "What No One Tells The Bride" by Marg Stark(AMAZING book btw, I recommend every bride to be and newlywed read it, I even read it out loud to FI on a roadtrip and it started some great conversations) says that sometimes in the "for better or worse" the worse comes before the better but it makes it just that much sweeter.


Sorry, I rambled...oops.

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I totally hear ya! I went to University for 8 years to become a teacher, worked full time as a teacher here in Alberta for 5 years full time but on temp contracts each year and now I'm subbing!! I'm making half of what I was and since I wasn't really expecting it didn't really plan ahead. Our wedding is just weeks away and I had to cash in some RRSP's in order to pay for my share of the trip. I feel dumb because we can't afford welcome bags etc. and can't do an open bar. I know people will understand but I just wish I could be able to do those things. You're not alone...I actually just picked up a part time job and hope that something will come up shortly but it's frustrating that the only jobs I have seen they expect you to have a degree, experience and then want to pay you $10-$12 an hour. Yeah, ok, as if that's gonna help me with my mortgage, truck payment and student loans!!! URRGGG...sorry, this has turned into a rant but I just wanted to say I feel your pain. Best of luck in your job search and for others out there in similar situations, best of luck to you too.

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I thought I would take this opportunity to vent. I have been working, but my paycheck is consistently late or short. It has put me so far behind that I feel like I am just paying catch up. I am still working hard, actually harder than I was when I was getting paid on time, hoping that when payday comes I will get paid.There is really nothing out there and employers know it, so they can treat their employees how they want to. The general attitude is that you should just be grateful to have a job. I have been so busy and depressed about this situation, which started when I got back from my honeymoon that I have not taken care of lots of my post wedding stuff. I finally put a picture of our wedding up in the house when my husband asked when I was going to do it.....


I know that the economy is going to recover, things are just tough right now. I think it would be a lot easier if we were all suffering and tightening our belts for awhile. However, in order to support a lavish, very expensive lifestyle, the employees have to suffer. On payday the other employees ask me (I have been there the longest) whether or not I think we will get paid. We all have automatic deposit but it is rarely used. It has been 2 months since any of us (other than the office assistant who makes 10$ an hr) have received a regular check and it is consistently short. One employee spoke of going to the labor board but is so scared of being out of a job that she talked herself out of it.


I hope to finally complete my wedding review this weekend. I have been so depressed that I have not been able to finish it. All of the joy and happiness that I felt I have not been able to express it in my review. All I can say is thanks to my fellow BDW's for understanding and being there for me..

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Originally Posted by alkoch View Post
I think we need to bring this thread back to life, maybe we can even exchange tips or something.

I am at a total loss, I just graduated and can't get a job for the life of me, and its really stressful because my FI is in law school so he doesn't have a job and won't for another year and a half. I am living at home so at least I don't need to pay rent but I just don't know how we are going to move out on our own with nothing. A nice old lady I know was telling me how her and her husband got married with $300, and that was it. My parents also got married with very little money when they were young - but I stress so much about how we are going to make it.

It doesn't make matters better that I was offered a position and now the lady won't return my calls.

I also work part time at Kohls but it is getting bad there the people are so rude and I am starting to really hate it. I guess I should be happy I have at least that but I have been so down lately it really sucks. I keep joking that I can't even be a housewife because we aren't married yet!!

Oh well I just thought I would add my vent to this thread and maybe we can help each other out with job stuff & since we do so well with wedding ideas!!

Oh and Susie Q, I just read an article how a lot of companies started and did great in a recession (trader joes was one of them) I was just looking into selling a book I wrote.

Another idea I had and I am still tossing around is going to schools in my local area and offering hot lunches for kids. One day a week for each school, kids would take home an order form set menu with food items and parents can order online and you would drop off the food at the school. Do online payment too so that your never without payment. I was going to call it "Lunch Mummy" or something silly... Great for a mom that is stay at home or has kids in school part time. I have some wacky ideas.... Hey we have to pay the bills....
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I got engaged in Jan. and planned our wedding in Mexico immediately. I was laided off in May and then lost my job in Aug. I was totally not expecting to lose my job as I thought once the auto plants went back to work so would I. lol well I guess my boss thought myself and a few others were paid too much and he could not afford us anymore so....

Anyway, in Ontario Canada we have a program called Second Career were the government will pay for you to go back to school and be retrained in another career. I have been waiting since Aug, to go back to school and was scheduled to start Nov. 9th but now they say the program may be broke. So now with 2 weeks until my wedding I do not know what I am gonna do when I return. Christmas will be right around the corner,will they even be companies looking for employees now??

Thank goodness I have unemployment until May. I am going crazy sitting at home and though I never thought I 'd say this I MISS WORKING!!!

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I understand all of your stresses. Both my FI and I are medical students. Not only do I have loans from undergrad but lets just say medical school is not cheap! My parents were going to help us out with the wedding, they were taking a second out on their house but with the housing market drop they couldn't get it appraised for what they needed. So we might be on our own. FI's parents don't have a lot of money and just bought a new house so aren't able to help much either. It is just so hard and stressful! Good luck to you all!

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