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why are men so @*&% stupid sometimes?!!?!?!?


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Originally Posted by itsfinallyhere View Post
LOL I am sorry girls but in my household that is me you are talking about! You girls sound exactly like my man! I try to put them in the same spot but depending on what I have in my hands I don't always. Plus it usually gets moved a few times! And there is never any room left on the hooks for the keys, by the time I am hanging mine up! I do have my usual spots, its only a problem when my pruse is not there! But I am continously returning into the house to get something I forgot. Everytime just about! It has now turned into the running joke. There is just too much to remember! The biggest problem is if I have spot to keep these things, as soon as I remove them I kids "fill" the space/void with all kinds of stuff. LOL
Me too! I lose my keys and work ID at least once a week. I have no idea where my glasses are and they have been missing for over a week now. I just keep wearing my contacts. I get so upset that I lose things. It's not like I try to lose stuff, I'm just always thinking twelve million things and I forget the mundane stuff all the time.

I got a retainer in August and I accidentally left it where my dog could reach it because I forgot to put it away while I was eating. This happened TWICE! The second time, it was chewed in a million pieces. I about puked when my dentist told me it would be $526 to replace it. Ugh. Oh well. I want straight teeth so I ponied up.

My man loves me anyways and when I get frustrated about being so absentminded, he just hugs me and tells me he loves me.

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Hi Ladies,


I'm relatively new but I wanted to thank you all for this thread, as I haven't had this much entertainment in quite a while. why? because it's all so true!!! :) Granted I can misplace a key here or there but honestly - how can somebody remember every player of every sport and can discuss them all in extensive detail but can't remember that we are going to my friend's engagement party even though we have been discussing it daily for a month? Really? Is it just selective memory? I think we should all colaborate and write a book :) (or more like a manual)

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Originally Posted by bride2b10 View Post
Hi Ladies,

I'm relatively new but I wanted to thank you all for this thread, as I haven't had this much entertainment in quite a while. why? because it's all so true!!! :) Granted I can misplace a key here or there but honestly - how can somebody remember every player of every sport and can discuss them all in extensive detail but can't remember that we are going to my friend's engagement party even though we have been discussing it daily for a month? Really? Is it just selective memory? I think we should all colaborate and write a book :) (or more like a manual)
lol I'm glad that we can be entertaining!

As for the book, great idea! I'm sure that we could come up with TONS of stuff to put in there!
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Latest Example: I printed and signed a copy of our contract with our photographers about a week ago. I gave it to my FI asking him to sign it and mail it out. He DID mail it out, but today I receive an email from our photographers asking if BOTH of us can sign the contract :)

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Originally Posted by bride2b10 View Post
Latest Example: I printed and signed a copy of our contract with our photographers about a week ago. I gave it to my FI asking him to sign it and mail it out. He DID mail it out, but today I receive an email from our photographers asking if BOTH of us can sign the contract :)
bahahaha that's amazing.
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Training!! HAHAHAHAHA - Been waiting 8 years and mine still isn't trained!! Lol But I love him - sometimes fiercely, and he can make me melt in 2 seconds flat no matter how mad I am!


SusieQ (good name btw ;o) I'm with you! Good thing they're cute! and know when to suck up when they need to! lol


bride2b10 - I think that is soooooo funny, at least your man got it to the mailbox, mine would have never found it's way out of the car!!


Keys, phone and wallet are the pains in my side daily, we're on a perfect routine...

He walks in circles and then starts with "Hey Babe, you seen my..." every time he leaves the house. Sometimes I don't answer him because it's funny to just sit back and watch - it's not like he listens to my answers most of the time anyway...but that's a whole diff story!!

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