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why are men so @*&% stupid sometimes?!!?!?!?


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I feel your pain girl!!! Same thing every morning - He sleeps 20 mins after I get up, then proceeds to get up & hurry around trying to get ready, asks ME if I can make HIM something to eat quickly b/c he's running late (hello, if I take the time to make YOU something to eat, then I will be late too), then runs around going "have you seen my keys?" Hello? I put a bowl right next to the door that is for keys, wallets, etc. Why can't you just put them in the damn bowl? And while we are man-bashing (LOL), why does he insist on throwing his dirty laundry IN FRONT of the hamper? I mean really, if you're going to carry the laundry all the way to the hamper, why can't you open the facking thing & put the laundry IN the hamper. DRIVES ME CRAZY!!!! Ok end of rant, LMAO!

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Oh Lisa! I feel this way almost everyday! My FI is exactly like this!! In fact we had an incident last week that he lost something and long story short I am just furious! It was something that belonged to his mother and we needed to return it and when I talked to her about it she laughed and told me that she didn't have any luck with him either (she tired the key rack, the hat rack, the bowl) and then she thanked me for loving him dispite his flaws! lol. I am always waiting for him to find his work cell, his personal cell, his work keys, his car keys, his hat, his wallet, etc etc. Its like really? Why? Why can't you just put it in one spot?! Why is it then my fault when you get all frusterated that you can't find your stuff?


I just want to strangle him! wink.gif

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Sorry girls, can't say I've been in that situation. My guy always puts everything in the same place and knows where everything is. It's pretty much a system in our house, you walk in and you hang your keys and put anything else on the shelf by the door. If anything he has to remember to pick up some of my stuff when we're leaving on trips because I get off track running around trying to get other things!

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I'm so happy to hear that i'm not the only one with these problems! whew! lol


What really pissed me off this morning was him not being able to find his hat. He works outside all day, so really, a hat is needed in the sun. Anyhow, I got pissed, threw down our lunches and went on my search for his damned hat. And where do I find it?! UNDER HIS F'ING CLOTHES THAT ARE PILED ON THE FLOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRR! lol If he would actually put his clothes away at night, he would have found his stupid hat. *shakes head* MEN!!!!

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OMG DH does the SAME THING!! Usually with socks ugh im like how about you put your facking socks away and then u wont spend 10 mins every morning looking for matching ones! We also carpool so im always sitting and waiting for him for like 10 mins...i feel your pain!!

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My biggest issue with the otherwise "love of my life" is the DAMNED alarm clock!!! Yes, I will admit that I too am guilty of hitting it once or twice, but he has 3 alarms set on his cell phone (about 5 minutes apart!) and they go off every few minutes for close to an hour.....and I have to leave the bathroom where I am almost always up, out of bed, and getting ready before him!) only to say -- SHUT IT OFF ALREADY!!!


We don't carpool, thank goodness, but if one of our cars is in the shop, and we have to share a car or something, he has made the unfortunate mistake of making ME WAIT, and I think he learned a very valuable lesson NOT to do that again! wink.gif


LISA GIRL, I feel ya, for sure.....MAKE HIM put all of his things in a little basket or something by the door for 30 days, and after that, it will be such a habit that you just may break him of his irritating "gathering" routine for life!

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Oh Lisa - I know just how you feel.

My FI has lost

wallet - over and over and over

camera and camera charger - over and over

3 sets of keys - 1 car, 2 house - still missing

600 dollars cash - I found that immediately

a box of tiles - still missing

a pair of $200 sunglasses - still missing - we replaced


We were going away and he spent 3 hours searching for the cover for one of the bags for the motorcyle - ripped apart the entire garage!


The best part is that he says I'm the messy one! But all of my "daily" stuff is in my pocketbook which is easy to find, and any important papers are all in my "important paper" box.


He just puts things down...like the $600...and forgets....then I have to go into my "What would I do if I were Jim" mode and find things. It generally works but is very frustrating.

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