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MIL Majorly Messed Up Invitations... Help!

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Thanks for the support ladies! I appreciate the chance to talk to people who understand what a mess this is. New developments... still no apology call to us. Just a text. She hasn't bothered to call the doctor's office to apologize or explain about the 300 calls they'll be receiving. She also failed to put that this is an adult event on the invite, so people are now using our site to RSVP, but then calling me because there's no space to add their children (which should be a hint to them.) The family's property is wooded, with a pool, a pond, a lake and a fire pit area... lots of hazards for little ones at night. She also failed to note this is an outdoor event in October, and that dress should be casual, yet warm - it's chilly at night in Indiana during October! UGH!

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Ugh! How frustrating!! I'm sorry this is happening to you guys!

I like the Vista Print idea - maybe make up a post card with the correct rsvp #, the fact that it's adults only, & tips about the Oct weather/dress (& anything else she left off). And maybe DH can get his dad to pony up for the additional postage since his wife screwed this up in the first place.


Or, you could send out an email to everyone although that would require you getting all of 300 email addresses, which might take a while.


good luck with everything!!

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It is nice of them to throw the AHR, but they are making for themselves instead of thinking of you guys and that really sucks.


I would definitely have your hubsband speak to them and ask to be involved since it's about the celebration party of your marriage.


Just the whole situation of what is being done is not right.

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Invites: I like the Vista print idea. They actually do have some elegant designs on there. It could be titled "Reminders about . . ." or something appropriate.


Party: I love planning parties and when my MOH wouldn't let me give input about my shower, I was frustrated. I'm a laid back country girl, and she wanted classy & sophisticated. She did foot the bill. To my surprise, it was nice to just show up and not have to worry about anything. Yes she did a nice job and it looked great (not how I would have done it), but in the end, it was still nice. If it's really important to you, I would approach her myself. Say you'd really appreciate giving input as this is your one and only wedding. Tell her you love planning things, and it means alot to you to at least have a say.


In the end, relax. Enjoy the event, and talk about it with your close friends and us here on BDW.


I actually as a guest, I think it would be hilarious if I called the doctors office to reply to a wedding lol. As the bride . . . no so funny!!! I'd be pissed too. We're all with you girl!

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