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Does Anyone Have PCOS?


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Gee, now I have a complex, thanks! lol (Just kidding).


Basically, I have several clusters of cysts on both ovaries. Sometimes they hurt when I am laying down and turn over on to my side. Not really painful, it's the other side effects that suck. sad.gif


I never, ever have periods and never ovulate. sad.gif Not good for someone who REALLY wants to have babies...... sad.gif


I also had a tumor on my left ovary, so a year and a half ago, I had surgery to remove the tumor and half of that ovary. /end of TMI :)

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That's so sad. I don't have PCOS, but I do have endometriosis. I have had many cysts on my ovaries. Sometimes they get to be the size of my first and I can easily see them! That's crazy! They hurt really bad when they burst, and I can't lie on my tummy at all. So, although I don't have the same thing, I feel your pain. I hope you are able to find a way to make some babies :)

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Thank you.


I think I have endo also although for some reason I have never been tested. Every woman in my immediate family has it, so the chances are pretty high.

I have never had a cyst burst, I can't imagine the pain. sad.gif hug2.gif

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Oh my Martha, so sorry to hear about this. I do not have PCOS, but when I was younger I had a huge problem with ovarian cysts...they were the kind that fill with fluid & eventually decrease in size. It was extremely painful for a time and I had many trips to the emergency room because of it. Thats how I learned about cathiters & why I don't like them.


Is there anything they can do for you? I now feel compelled to research this condition...but I'm sure you already have. What are your options?

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