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Former sorority sister STOLE MY DATE!!


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No..you should keep it on the same day but make sure you make an appearance at her reception in your dress looking WAY hotter than she does. No...I'm J/J it just sounds funny wouldn't she be pissed if another BRIDE walked into her reception looking better than she does. LOL


Unfortunately reality is we have to be more classy than that. darn it. but hey the thought made me laugh.

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Oh ladies...I have some funnies for you, as the plot has just thickened. we went in this afternoon to speak to our venue to see about altering our date. Walked in and the woman in charge of our account is no longer there, so we were ushered into the office of "Becky", the most b*tchy woman I have ever met. It seems that they "misplaced" our contract, so she had no record of us even having a reception booked and a deposit down. I'm not going to lie, I went into a total Bridezilla meltdown on the woman, tears, colorful choice of language and all.

Miraculously about this time her assistant went through all of Wendy's (our former event planner) files and found the contract. However, by the time she produced a copy of the document I was nowhere near consolable.

Sounds awful, right? Well, yours truly was livid at this point, and this is where I used my "horrible trauma" to my advantage. I was already in tears, and so I started talking about how badly this was affecting my big day, and how unprofessional it was that they couldn't even keep track of my file and get things in order.

Long story short, they bumped my date up to February 13th for our AHR, and I got a 50% discount on all catering and alcohol because of their mistake. God I want to call Kayla and thank her for saving me a few thousand dollars by just being a vindictive callous excuse for a human being. :)

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Originally Posted by brandynd View Post
Long story short, they bumped my date up to February 13th for our AHR, and I got a 50% discount on all catering and alcohol because of their mistake. God I want to call Kayla and thank her for saving me a few thousand dollars by just being a vindictive callous excuse for a human being. :)
WOO HOO!!! That's good karma for you being the better person. Good for you!!! If you hadn't thought about moving your date, you wouldn't have had the 50% discount. That's awesome!!!
But still since i didn't get to chime in before, that is awful of your friend to do to you. AWFUL. A similar thing happened to my friend who is getting married in July, and one of our other friends planned her wedding 2 weeks before my friends. We all have the same group of friends, and they are both out of town weddings. Now my friend has to plan her stagette, and shower, etc around this other girl. Some people just have no clue and don't think about other people when making decisions.
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