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Is there a thread for veils? I think I want a one tiered elbow length veil with some rhinestones on it. I REALLY want to buy it now because good deals can be found on ebay BUT I don't even have my dress!! I'm sure there will still be deal after I get my dress. What is everybody else doing? Veil? No veil? What kind? Thanks!

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I had myself convinced that i did not want a veil. I thought that since we were doing the destination wedding thing, that it would be more relaxed and i view a veil as being very traditional.

When i first tried my dress on i thought it looked great without one. Then my mom convinced me to just try it, and I actually ended up loving it. It just added that finishing touch for me. So i ended up getting one, but i told my mom if it starts blowing around everywhere during the ceremony, for her to get ready to catch it, b.c it will be tossed in her direction if it gets annoying. So i guess you never know until you try it.

My veil has a beaded comb, going to have it set lower down on my head not right on top. It falls to about my elbow and is double tiered.

It should be nice but i am still anxious to get it to start practicing potential hairstyles to see if I still want to wear it :)

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Originally Posted by PetitRouge View Post
I had myself convinced that i did not want a veil. I thought that since we were doing the destination wedding thing, that it would be more relaxed and i view a veil as being very traditional.
When i first tried my dress on i thought it looked great without one. Then my mom convinced me to just try it, and I actually ended up loving it. It just added that finishing touch for me. So i ended up getting one, but i told my mom if it starts blowing around everywhere during the ceremony, for her to get ready to catch it, b.c it will be tossed in her direction if it gets annoying. So i guess you never know until you try it.
My veil has a beaded comb, going to have it set lower down on my head not right on top. It falls to about my elbow and is double tiered.
It should be nice but i am still anxious to get it to start practicing potential hairstyles to see if I still want to wear it :)
Haha yeah. I felt the same way initially - was just going to do a flower or pretty comb or something. But then I got convinced that I would miss one - it kinda just completes the look. Though I don't want a big bulky, long one. Or to have it over my face...
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