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REALLY?? You dont want to do engagment photos..........


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That is what my FI says because he hates taking pics. He thought the ones we did on the cruise were ours. HELLO I get free engagment pics with our AHR photographer whynothuh.gifhuh.gif? Im so upset about it. All of you ladies have such beautiful engagment photos and my FI wants none. I hope to GOD he turns around and just goes along with it!


Anyone else had/have this problem?

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My FI hate having his picture taken more than anyone i know. I got him to do the shoot bascially with out asking and telling him we were doing it.


He was grumpy and hated it the entire time but the photgrapher was talented enough that it never bothered her and she was able to capture him and not the grumpiness.


In the end he loved the pictures, and now agreed to do a day after shoot, as long as I promise not to make him roll in the sand. Small comprimises.

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scuba- dont laugh..when i was first getting to know my future inlaws my fmil told me that one time her husband pissed her off so much she actually did hit him with the pan and he had to have a nosejob after that lmao and they just celebrating their 36th anniversary..so to let you know thats always an option lol

after that i said wow this is my kinda woman lmao

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Oh, Holly....sorry to hear your man doesn't want to "play ball" and get the e-pics, but maybe you can bargain with him to get him to do them after all? Sort of a "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" kind of deal?


Maybe there is something he loves or has wanted you to do with him (ie. go to a sporting event, etc.) that you could do as long as he agrees to do the pics? In a sort of similar way, I told John that I would watch all three Star Wars movies, if he watched 3-chick flicks with me, and let me just say, he was pleasantly surprised how much he ended up liking "My Big Fat Greek Wedding", "Bridget Jones' Diary", and of course The Notebook", and I ended up being more interested in the Star Wars movies than I had originally thought I'd be!


I agree with Erika -- sometimes COMPROMISE is where it's at!

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Hi Scuba! I just started a thread about this a few days ago b/c I was struggling with the EXACT same thing. In the end I won, we did them and I think it's worth it. From what I have seen they turned out very nicely, he was a pretty good sport - I would just try to keep it brief and make sure he's well fed lol (men are like children, they start to get very grumpy when they are bored/hungry). I was able to get about 1 hour out of him and I think it was enough to get some really nice shots (when I get the edited ones I'll post some). I think you should go for it for sure. Good luck, and bribes usually help too!

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