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Forum Technical Issues

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there are a bunch of little things i need to work on:


1. shoutbox

2. profiles

3. BDW email is down so if you are emailing/or trying to register i am not getting the email

4. uploading pics


i'm sure there is more...i wanted to give it a few days then start working on all the bugs since some might be related to each other.

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First things first, I am SO sorry that you burnt your hand, but I'm very glad that you finally went to the ER. Burns can be very nasty. I am glad it's feeling better.


Second, oh goodness was not having this forum torture! First I thought I got kicked off! I was SO worried that i did something wrong! Then I thought that my work blocked me! Man, it was torture!!!

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ok, i got the shoutbox working BUT i had to turn off alot of the extra like the arcade, etc. so i can figure out where the other errors are coming from.


please DO NOT freak out...just reply to this thread with whatever error you are seeing. most likely it is because i disabled it temporarily.

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Originally Posted by host View Post
ok, i got the shoutbox working BUT i had to turn off alot of the extra like the arcade, etc. so i can figure out where the other errors are coming from.

please DO NOT freak out...just reply to this thread with whatever error you are seeing. most likely it is because i disabled it temporarily.
My "unread threads" isn't showing up at the top of my page. Tammy you work so hard.
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Ouch Tammy that actually happens quite often. Moving too quickly, preoccupied with other things it could happen to any of us. Glad that it wan't too bad of a burn. Slow down Lil' Mama and nurse that hand.


P.S. Can never say thank you enough for all you do!

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