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"Tacky" Bridesmaid Dress (theme) for Stagette!!

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The whole day was an absolute blast!! I have many more pictures but here are a few of the bridal shower and stagette...


B2B at the bridal shower...

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B2B with MOH...my daughter...


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3 Generations...

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The TACKY Bridesmaids...

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B2B with BM's

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This one is soooo funny...on my scavenger hunt checklist...I had to write my number in the MENS washroom. Not a chance I was going to use my own number...so I used my honey's...LMAO!!! We're still eagerly awaiting his first phone call...

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A lovely couple...

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Originally Posted by kristaheer View Post
Oh that sounds great - can't wait to see pics.
Can you see the pics in the post right above yours? I'm just curious because this is my first time posting pics and I can see them but I just don't know if I did it properly.
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