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mummergirl's totally after-the-fact planning thread

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OMG Lisa! As a fellow graphic designer your invite issues were a total NIGHTMARE! I feel your pain. I too am making my own pocket folds and they better not screw up!!!!


They look great regardless and everything else looks fantastic too!! Thank you so much for posting this thread!!

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This was the most anticipated review. You had us so worked up waiting for it!


Wow, what to say Coug, other than you had me at "was forced to contend with the color printer here at work and EVERY SINGLE SHEET of cardstock getting jammed in the printer"


The honesty of your planning thread is refreshing. You attempted so many DIY things and now after reading this, I know I won't attempt any because I was growing irritated even reading about your barriers to success with the maracas. So I thank you for that! Things managed to all come together though for you and it all looked great!


You and your wedding looked beautiful and your photos are just fantastic. You are fantastic. You inspire me to wanna ditch my FI and go in search of someone much younger. You are my role model and hero!

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